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Tema: BitTorrent  (Pročitano 317170 puta)
01. Dec 2005, 11:32:50
Capo di tutti capi

Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 8.50
Apple iPhone 6s

   BitTorrent je protokol koji omogućava brzo preuzimanje velikih datoteka koristeći minimum Internet propusnog opsega. BitTorrent je besplatan i pouzdano ne sadrži špijunske programe (spyware) niti bilo kakve reklame.
   Za razliku od drugih metoda za preuzimanje datoteka, BitTorrent maksimizuje brzinu kojom preuzima skupljajući deliće datoteke koju želite skidajući je simultano od svih ljudi koji je imaju. Ovaj proces je najpopularniji pri preuzimanju video i tv materijala jer pruža veću brzinu od drugih protokola. Ovde ćemo razmotriti način na koji on radi kao i poređenjem sa drugim distributivnim metodama. Dodatno, pokazaćemo vam kako se BitTorrent koristi i kakva budućnost čeka ovaj inovativni pristup.

BitTorrent jezik

   Kao i kod većine Internet pojava i fenomena, BitTorrent poseduje sopstveni žargon. Neke reči koje se najčešće pojavljuju kada govorimo o BitTorrent-u su:

Leeches-  Ljudi koji preuzimaju datoteku ali je i ne dele sa svog računara.
Seed ili Seeder- Ljudi ili računari kod kojih se nalazi kompletna kopija datoteke (BitTorrent datoteke) koju drugi preuzimaju. Najmanje jedan seed je potreban kako bi BitTorrent uopšte radio.
Swarm- Grupa računara koja simultano šalje ili prima istu datoteku.
.torrent- ekstenzija same datoteke koju preuzimate koristeći BitTorrent.
Tracker- Server koji uslužuje same procese BitTorrent transfera.

Tradicionalno Klijent-Server preuzimanje

   Kako biste razumeli način na koji BitTorrent radi i po čemu se razlikuje od drugih metoda, pogledajmo šta se događa kada preuzimamo datoteku sa neke Web strane.
   Prvo otvarate Web stranu i klikom na određeni link započinjete preuzimanje datoteke na vaš računar.
Web pretraživač na vašem računaru, u ovom slučaju klijent, govori serveru da započne transfer kopije datoteke koju ste odabrali.
Taj transfer se prenosi određenim protokolom kao što su na primer FTP (File Transfer Protocol) ili HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).
Proces Klijent-Server preuzimanja
   Brzina prenosa je sada u milosti ili nemilosti raznih drugih efekata, kao što su vrsta samog protokola, gužvom na samom serveru izazvanom drugim korisnicima koji žele ili već preuzimaju istu datoteku. Ukoliko je datoteka i velika i popularna, zahtevi na serveru su veliki i samo preuzimanje će biti sporo.
P2P (Peer-To-Peer) deljenje datoteka
   Još jedna od metoda prenosa datoteka za koju ste možda čuli je poznato P2P deljenje (žargonski šerovanje) datoteka.
U ovom procesu, koristi se softver-program (ne vaš Web pretraživač) kako biste pronašli računare koji imaju datoteku koju potražujete.   
Sa obzirom na to da su ovo obični računar, kao i vaš, a ne serveri nazivaju se na engleskom peers. Sam proces ide ovako:
   Prvo pokrećete P2P program (na primer Gnutella) na vašem računaru i šaljete zahtev za datotekom koju želite. Kako biste pronašli datoteku, program šalje upit drugim računarima koji su trenutno na Internetu i koji koriste neki od sličnih P2P programa.
Kada program pronađe računar koji na svom hard disku ima datoteku koju želite, preuzimanje počinje.
Drugi korisnici, na isti način kroz neki od P2P programa preuzimaju datoteke koje oni žele sa vašeg računara.

Gnutellin P2P proces preuzimanja
   Raspodela saobraćaja pri korišćenju ovakvog metoda vrši se između računara koji razmenjuju datoteke, međutim pretraga i ti isti transferi između računara često prave gužve i usporavaju samo preuzimanje. Neki ljudi preuzimaju željene datoteke i po završetku odmah gase svoje P2P programe kako bi sprečili druge da preuzimaju od njih, iako ste možda baš vi stigli na pola nečega što ste pronašli upravo kod takve jedne osobe. Ovakvi ljudi imaju popularan naziv pijavice a sam metod ovakvog preuzimanja se na engleskom zove leeching. Ovakav metod dovodi do znatno manjeg broja računara na kojima se vrši pretraga datoteka.
Šta BitTorrent radi?
Za razliku od drugih P2P metoda preuzimanja datoteka, BitTorrent je protokol koji prebacuje onaj deo posla koji se bavi samom pretragom za datotekama na centralizovani server koji se zove tracker. Još jedna od razlika je što koristi princip "Ja tebi Ti meni". Ovo znači da biste preuzimali datoteku morate je i deliti.
Ovakav princip eliminiše problem pijavica, a to je upravo jedan od glavnih ciljeva koje je BitTorrent nastojao da sprovede u delo. Sa BitTorrent-om što više datoteka delite sa drugima, brže ćete preuzimati datoteke koje su vama potrebne. Konačno, kako biste što bolje iskoristili propusni opseg Interneta BitTorrent preuzima različite delove datoteke koju želite sa različitih računara.
Evo kako radi:
   Prvo otvarate Web stranu i klikom odabirate datoteku koju želite.
BitTorrent klijent program komunicira sa serverom tj. tracker-om kako bi našao druge računare na kojima je pokrenut BitTorrent i koji imaju kompletnu kopiju te datoteke (seeders) i ujedno traži i računare koji su u samom procesu preuzimanja te iste datoteke.
Server prepoznaje te računare kao grupu (swarm) povezanih računara koji šalju ili preuzimaju tu datoteku.
Tracker pomaže klijent programu da deli delove datoteke koju želite sa drugima u grupi tada vaš računar simultano dobija delove iste datoteke.

BitTorrent-ov P2P proces preuzimanja

Ukoliko ostavite svoj program i nakon završetka preuzimanja datoteke, drugi mogu da preuzimaju .torrent datoteku od vas i time postajete seeder.
U određenim sistemima koji koriste ovaj metod: biti seeder i deliti što više datoteka vam može doneti i poseban status i rejting kojim posle vi brže preuzimate datoteke od drugih.
Preuzimanje delova datoteke istovremeno rešava standardni problem koji drugi P2P metodi imaju, problem sporog slanja datoteka ka drugim računarima. Preuzimanjem više delova u isto vreme, ukupna brzina je drastično povećana. Što je više računara uključena u grupu (swarm), brže se sam transfer odvija jer postoji veliki broj izvora na kojima se taj deo datoteke nalazi. Iz ovog razloga, BitTorrent je veoma koristan za velike i popularne datoteke.

Preuzimanje datoteka pomoću BitTorrent-a
Kako biste koristili BitTorrent za preuzimanje datoteka, potrebno je da instalirate BitTorrent klijent program. Možda će biti neophodno i da podesite mrežni ruter i zaštitni zid (firewall) tako da prihvate BitTorrent datoteke.
Evo spiska potrebnih postupaka:
1.    Preuzmite i instalirajte BitTorrent klijentski program.
2.    Proverite i podesite firewall i \ ili ruter za BitTorrent (samo ako je to neophodno).
3.   Pronađite datoteke za preuzimanje.
4.   Preuzmite i otvorite .torrent fajl
5.   BitTorrent šalje i prima deliće datoteke.
6.   Ostanite na vezi kada se preuzimanje završi da podelite vašu .torrent datoteku sa drugima.

Deljenje BitTorrent datoteka sa Vašeg računaraAko imate veliku datoteku koju želite da ponudite drugim korisnicima, BitTorrent će vam pomoći da na najbolji način iskoristite raspoloživi propusni opseg. Kako biste datoteku pripremili kao .torrent fajl, potreban vam je pristup tracker-u i Web serveru. Pored toga, potrebno je da sa adrese preuzmete i instalirate program koji pravi .torrent fajlove.Detaljne instrukcije pronaći ćete na zvaničnom BitTorrent sajtu.

Razmotrimo detaljnije sve spomenute korake:
Preuzmite i instalirajte BitTorrent klijentski program
BitTorrent je softver otvorenog koda, pa je besplatan i za korisnike i za druge programere. Tako su pojavile brojne verzije BitTorrent klijenata koje možete koristiti ali u daljem tekstu uputstva će se odnositi na zvaničan BitTorrentklijent.
Idite na adresu i kliknite na link koji vodi do klijentskog programa koji odgovara Vašem operativnom sistemu. Kada završite preuzimanje, dvokliknite na njega i instalirajte ga. Proces je kratak i posle njegovog završetka pojaviće se ovaj prozor:


Da li je korišćenje BitTorrent-a u skladu sa zakonomSam BitTorrent je potpuno legalan! Ipak prekršićete zakon ako preuzmete datoteke nad kojima postoje autorska pravaBitTorrent transferi nisu anonimni, vaša IP adresa je poznata pa se može saznati koje ste datoteke preuzeli.

Proverite i podesite firewall
Ako je na vašem računaru aktivan firewall , postići ćete brži transfer datoteka ako ga podesite da propušta BitTorrent saobraćaj. Firewall štiti vaš sistem od napadača tako što zabranjuje neovlašćeni pristup portovima vašeg računara. Portovi su ulazi preko kojih mrežni saobraćaj stiže i odlazi sa računara. Svaki port ima jedinstveni broj a svaki komunikacioni protokol koristi specifični port.
BitTorrent standardno koristi portove od broja 6881 do 6889. Kako firewall-i onemogućavaju pristup tim portovima, potrebno je da ih podesite tako da prihvate dolazeći saobraćaj na njima. Takođe, trebalo bi da omogućite slanje IP adrese vašeg računara preko portova 6881 do 6889 kako bi Vas ostali korisnici BitTorrent mreže pronašli.
Svaki firewall je jedinstven, tako da instrukcije o podešavanju potražite u njegovoj ugrađenoj pomoći.
Pronađite, preuzmite i otvorite .torrent datoteke
Pronađite .torrent datoteke
Posle podešavanja vašeg računara, spremni ste za preuzimanje .torrent datoteke. Na nekom Internet pretraživaču unesite termin ".torrent" i nači ćete sajtove koji nude BitTorrent datoteke. Brojni su i sajtovi posvećeni traženju BitTorrent datoteka, između ostalih i .Na sajtu naći ćete muziku, nudi muziku filmove i knjige a nedavne televizijske emisije.
Preuzmite i otvorite .torrent datoteke
Kada pronađete željenu datoteku, kliknite desnim dugmetom miša na .torrent link, izaberite "save target as" i sačuvajte ga gde vam odgovara. Datoteku sa ekstenzijom .torrent preuzećete veoma brzo jer je ona samo putokaz ka željenom fajlu. Dvokliknite .torrent datoteku koju ste maločas sačuvali. BitTorrent klijentski program otpočeće sa preuzimanjem:

Kao što smo već rekli, što više računara šalje i prima istu datoteku (nalazi se u swarm-u) preuzimanje će ići brže. Ako je svega par računara u swarm-u preuzimanje će biti relativno sporo.
Ostanite na vezi!
Kada završite transfer nemojte zatvarati BitTorrent klijentski program kako bi drugi korisnici mogli da preuzmu .torrent datoteke od Vas.
Od Vas se očekuje solidarnost sa ostalim korisnicima ali ako Internet vezu plaćate po količini ostvarenog saobraćaja bolje da zatvorite program nego da težite višem BitTorrent statusu!

pripremio Nenad Rondović

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Danas prvi put probam torreent pa moram da pitam, jeli normalno da je brzina skidanja fajlova ista kao i kad skidam sa operom ili flas get-om.Imam dial-up konekciju.Mozda nisam nesto dobro nastelovo?
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 8.50
Apple iPhone 6s
Bittorrent Client or App (Note: The ones written in Itallics are the ones that I recommend)

Azureus -
BitTornado -
G3 Torrent -
BitComet -
BitLord -
Experimental Client -
TorrentTopia -
TurboTorrent -
BtQueue -
BitBuddy -
Arctic Torrent -
Anatomic P2P - -
Tomato Torrent -
Bits On Wheels -
Shareaza -
MLdonkey -
TrustyFiles -
Iswipe -

All these clients (bittorrent download programs) are well explained on their sites.

Downloading Files With Bittorrent

After you have installed a bittorrent client from the list above, go to and visit one of the many bittorrent download sites listed there.

When you find a file you want on one of those sites, click on the link to start downloading. Make sure that you pick a file that is seeded, meaning that at least 1 person has the complete file and is uploading it, this is usually displayed on the site/tracker you downloaded the .torrent file from).

Usually, after clicking the download link, your bittorrent client will start the torrent and you will start to download the file you want.

Alternatively, you may be asked if you want to open the (torrent) file or save it to disk. Opening the file will start your bittorrent client and your download, saving to disc will download the small .torrent file (= text file) to your computer where you can open it with your bittorrent client and start downloading the file you want, or keep the .torrent file for later use. Saving the torrent to disc is recommended, if you're not given a choice to either save or open the .torrent file, rightclick on the download link and then select 'save target as' and save the .torrent file to your computer that way.

Soon after you start to download, you'll start to upload the pieces of the file you've just downloaded (bittorrent cuts the file you download into 2 Mb pieces for better transfer of the files). Don't set your upload speed too low, but also not to high because this will interfere with your download speed. Set your uploadspeed 10% under your maximum upload speed for best results. The faster you upload to others, the faster others will upload to you, that's the way bittorrent works.

When you are finished downloading the file you want, don't close the torrent down but let it upload at least until you have uploaded as much as you have downloaded.


You have downloaded a 700 Mb movie, but your download speed is much higher than your upload speed so when you are finished downloading, you have only uploaded 200 Mb. Don't close the torrent down but keep it open and uploading until you have reached 700 Mb upload. This is very important to keep the torrent alive so more people can download it and seed it after you have uploaded your 700 Mb.

Bittorrent Terminology

1. Seeder: Someone who has the complete file and lets others download it from him/her with Bittorrent, as soon as you finish downloading a torrent and leave the torrent going so people can download from you, you're a seeder too. Uploading a complete file is called seeding.

2. Leecher: Someone who is downloading a file but hasn't finished it yet.

3. Reseed: If someone seeds a torrent again after they had already finished and closed it earlier. This is done when a torrent has many leechers, but no seeder. It's a great way to help out the community. It reactivates the torrent so to speak Others can now finish their download and then seed. Read here how to reseed.

4. Tracker: An application run by a webmaster of a bittorrent site. It regulates the up and downloads of the torrents which use the tracker's announce url.

5. Announce url: The website address the tracker is using (ie., when you make a torrent, make sure you use the announce url of the site you want to upload your torrent to.

6. Peer: Someone who is uploading and/or downloading a torrent.

7. Swarm: All the seeders and leechers on a single torrent.

8. Hit 'n run: Closing down your torrent immediatly after you finish your download, this is very selfish and can and will get you banned from many sites.

9. Torrent: Small text file that points to a certain tracker and a certain file for downloading with bittorrent.

Tips, Info & Tricks:

Resume download

If you pc or bittorrent client crashes in the middle of a download, don't worry, you can resume your download by restarting the torrent and downloading to the same folder on your pc as you did the first time. Your bittorrent client will then check the data you already have downloaded and resume where it stopped the last time.


Ignore the errors: 'failed to connect to tracker' and 'timed out' and alike, only worry if the error reads something like 'rejected...' or when your download doesn't start at all (give it a couple of minutes, try a 'manual announce', see below) or stops when it's not supposed to.

Manual announce

Trackers are usually very busy so sometimes your bittorrent client fails to connect to the tracker server, which gives an error. With the manual announce you can order your bittorrent client to connect to the tracker and get new peer information (it's a bit like the refresh button in Internet Explorer, dont use it unless you need it tho, it puts extra strain on the tracker). Look for the option in your client or on your clients website.

Tracker down

With a well-seeded torrent you only have to connect once to the tracker to get enough info on other peers to complete your download, so when a tracker goes down while you are downloading a torrent, dont close the torrent down because you have a very good chance of finishing it without the tracker's help. You can't (re)start a torrent when the tracker is down. (note that login/signup sites with ratio systems don't count your uploaded/downloaded Mb's when their tracker is down).

Distributed copies

Most torrent clients display the number of 'distributed copies'. When that number is above 1 it means that the complete file is distributed among the leechers. Now when there is no seeder for a file with more than 1 distributed copy, the leechers still can finish their download, because all the leechers together have all the parts to make the complete file so they can download these from each other and finish their download.

Downloading parts of torrents

Sometimes you find a torrent with a collection of albums, tv episodes or apps. You however, only want one particular album, episode or app from that collection and not all of it. Most advanced clients (ie. Azureus, ABC, Bitcomet, Bittornado) have the option to select which file you want to download and which one you don't. In your client, find the list of files in the torrent, then select the files you don't want to download and tell your client not to download them (see your clients website for details).

Ratio systems

A lot of good sites use a ratio system to make sure that every member uploads at least as much as they have downloaded. Everyone is expected to try to maintain an upload/download ratio of 1:1, failing to do so will get you banned from that website.

New users may want to start off downloading a file with 1 or a few seeders and a lot of leechers, then when you have downloaded 5% of the file, limit your download speed to a little less then your maximum upload speed, check your client for those options. This way you will upload as much as you download, your ratio will be around 1:1 and your stay at the website is save, it may take a bit longer to download the file but that's just the way it is. You might even consider downloading a file you actually don't want, but that does have the before mentioned conditions, just to get a good start on the site.

Recommended files to start off with are dvdr's, console games and pr0n. Try to immediately get a ratio of above 1:1, so 1:1.5 or 1:2, that way you'll have a buffer for the future. Don't upload too much tho, whatever you upload above 1:1 takes away from somebody elses effords to reach a 1:1 ratio. (some sites will even ban you for seeding too much :/ ). Read the site's FAQ to see how long you'll have to deal with wait times, those are usually connected to your uploaded amount, ratio and membership period. Try to upload enough to get rid of the wait times as soon as possible.

Most new files are uploaded to a lot of sites, so if you are member on 1 site and have a good ratio there, you can download a new file there and then seed that same file on a new site you signed up to or on a site where you have a bad ratio. Go for the latest movies/games. When you have downloaded the file from site 1, go to site 2 and check what format the file is in over there, sometimes it's rar files, sometimes image files or avi/mpg files. Make sure you have the same file format, so unrar if needed (making rars prolly won't work tho). Start the torrent from site 2, wait till you have connected to the tracker and other peers and then stop the torrent. Your bittorrent client has now created the folder where the file would be downloaded. Copy your complete files to the new folder overwriting the existing data, make sure you put the correct files in the correct folders. Then resume/restart your download, your bittorrent client will now check your existing data and find that you have the complete file (sometimes 99.5% or something because you are missing the sample or some other file but that doesnt matter, you'll download the missing parts in no time) and you'll start uploading, raising your ratio and securing your stay on the site. Make sure you have the same files or you might corrupt your own files.

Bittorrent Error Messages:

'connecting to peers'
Maybe there are no users to connect to. Leave your torrent open and maybe the bittorrent client will connect (it may take some time).

windows cannot find "c:documents and settingsownerlocal settingstemporery internet filescontent.ie5.....
Download the torrent to your hd and launch it from there. Right click on the link and save the torrent to your hard-drive,then open the torrent that is in your hard-drive by double clicking on it.

No space left on device
The client allocates the space needed to store the file on your HD, you get this error when you dont have enough space on your harddrive for bittorrent to fully allocate the file.

urlopen error - (7, 'getaddrinfo failed')
This means that the tracker is overloaded, just keep the torrent window open and wait.

temporary internet files content 1.5 xxx don't exist
It is an XP thing, either download the torrent to your hd and launch it from there.. or clear out your temp internet files that will generaly resolve the issue. (XP compresses temp internet files once it reach a certain # of files or 1/2 alloted space that is what causes the error) Just let the torrent run in your client and the client will keep checking the tracker and should resume eventually.

problem getting response info - [errno2] No such file or directory
The directory of C : /// is probably causing your problems, it's most likely a temporary directory that Internet Explorer uses when you left click on the torrent file. Try right clicking on the .torrent and selecting "save target as". Then save the .torrent file to a directory on your C drive. Keep them all in a folder specifically designed for use with BitTorrent and your life will be much easier. Then when you start your client and you're ready to download the files you can navigate to that special folder and not have to keep searching for where Windows plonks the torrents each time. Clear your temp internet files, then make a dedicated folder for your torrents and try again. Put the dl in the folder you made.

(IOError - [Errno13] Permission denied)
Sometime bittorrent still runs in the background, and if you start more than one gui (the same torrent) it will give you permission denied, go to Task manager and close down all bt-gui processes.

rejected by tracker - Your IP is not registered to use this tracker for this file
Probably the tracker is overloaded, so the owner decide to only allow certain IPs to use the tracker, sign up and login on the site/tracker to download this torrent.

Problem connecting to tracker: HTTP Error -1
Leave your torrent running in your client. The client will keep checking the tracker and it should resume eventually.

Problem connecting with tracker - (10060, 'Operation timed out')
That error means that the server/tracker is down or too busy to process your request. Just keep trying - leave it open.

<urlopen error (10061, 'Connection refused")>
Just leave your torrent running in your client. The client will keep trying to connect to the tracker. When you're already downloading, just ignore it.

Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error(10055, 'No buffer space available')>
A lot of routes in your routing table (due to a misconfigured router, or misconfigured default route), Lots of stale connections in your connection table, Or a lot of data that is pending for sending or receiving on a current connection(s), which can't be sent or received for some reason (destination system dead or unreachable, for example). Opening too many sockets at the same time. Probably don't have enough free space on your hard drive.

Problem connecting with tracker - (10054,'Connection reset by peer')
This occurs when an established connection is shut down for some reason by the remote computer, just ignore it.

'Problem connecting to tracker. HTTP error 503: service unavailable'
Have you tried using torrentspy to check on the tracker's status? Maybe the tracker is down for a rest or something bad happened

Piece XXX failed hash check, re-downloading it
Bittorent downloaded a wrong packet, so it's redownloading it, just ignore it.

Connection refused: You are allowed to download from one location at a time
Usually the torrent is already running in another bittorrent session, close all your clients down, hit ctrl+alt+del and end the processes of all remaining active bittorrent clients, then start your torrent again (this usually happens after a client crash)

What to do with .cue/.bin, iso, ccd, img, mds/mdf files or .rar files?

Usually when you download something with Bittorrent, you get the complete file (complete .avi or .mpg file).

Sometimes you'll get a whole buch of files which are about 15 Mb (or 50 Mb for DVDR) per file, usually in 2 or 3 separate folders, with filenames like .rar, .r01 and .r02 or something alike. These are WinRar files. You get these files often when you download a really new movie or game (so called 'scene releases').

Other times you may get a .cue/bin file (burn with Nero) or an iso (Nero), ccd (Clonecd), mds/mdf (Alcohol 120%) or img (Nero/dvddecrypter)

These are image files made by a cdr-burning programs like mentioned above.

Rar files

To extract all the .rar files (.r01 and so on) you downloaded, you'll need WinRar, WinZip or WinAce. Get WinRar from or from Bittorrent or Kazaalite or another p2p program or source and install it.
Double click on the first .rar file and the WinRar window will open, then hit 'extract' and all the rar files will be extracted to the place on your pc you select. If the WinRar window doesn't pop up, right click one of the files and then select 'open with' and then select WinRar. Now you will be able to open the files and extract them.

Many torrents are released as .rar files, if you want to check the quality of a movie before you download the whole file and no sample/screenshot is available, download 1 complete .rar file (usually 15 or 50 Mb) and play that rar file with VLC media player (free). You'll be able to see a small part of the movie and check the quality of the release by that.

.Cue and .bin files

These files are images made by cdr-burning software like Nero, usually movies or games/apps. You can do 3 things with these files:

1. You can burn them on a cd or as an (s)vcd and then play the movie in a stand alone dvd player on your tv or use it to install the game/app.

Just open Nero or CDRWin (or any other cdburning software that can burn an image file) and select the 'burn from image' option.
Select the .cue file you want to burn, and burn it to a cd or as (s)vcd. After you test the cd and make sure it works, you can delete the .rar files and the .cue and .bin files from your pc.

2. This applies only when the cue and bin file contain a movie. You can play the .bin file with VLC media player (free) and watch the movie on you monitor or use tv-out to send the movie to your tv. Right click the .bin file and select 'open with', then select VLC and you're set.

3A. This applies only when the cue and bin file contain a movie. You can open the .cue and .bin files on your pc with Vcdgear (free) and convert them to a .mpg file.

Then you can watch the movie on you monitor or use tv-out to send the movie to your tv, any media player will play mpg/mpeg files. VCDgear can also extract the rars to cue/bin to mpg in one session.

Start VCDgear.

Click on the 'vcdgear' button.

Set Extraction/Conversion to 'cue/bin-->mpeg'. (or 'rar-->cue/bin-->mpeg'*)

Click 'load' and select the .cue file (or rar file*) that you want to convert.

Select the place on your computer where you want to save the converted mpg file.

Click 'Start'.

* make sure to set the RAR decompressor: in VCDgear go to options --> Directories --> under RAR Decompressor, make sure WinRAR.exe is selected (usually C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe), if not, click the folder icon to the right and find WinRAR.exe on your pc and select it.

When you have successfully converted the .cue and .bin file to .mpg, you can deleted the .cue and .bin file if you don't intent to burn them to cd. (You can also burn the .mpg files as (s)vcd with Nero).

3B. When the cue and bin file contain a game or app, open them with Daemon tools (free) and install the game without burning it to cd.

Open Daemontools

Click the icon in your system tray and select 'mount image'

Then select the .cue file (or any other image file) and it will be mounted to a virtual drive (which means your pc thinks that it's a cd in a cd player, but in fact it's a .cue/.bin file on your hard drive, opened by Daemon tools and mounted to a virtual drive). Then the autoplay function starts the mounted image file, if not then you can access the files by going to 'My Computer' and selecting the virtual drive there.

If you don't have a virtual drive, you can select to add 1 or more, rightclick the Daemon tools icon in your systray, go to 'set number of devices' and create up till 4 virtual drives. You will have a new drive letter ( G: for example), which is the virtual drive. Open this drive and you will see what would be on the cd if you had burned the image files to a cd. Then just do what you would normally do when you install a game, click the setup.exe and the game will install. If the game works you can delete the .rar files, but keep the .cue/.bin files if you're not sure the game will play without the (virtually mounted) cd or if you want to burn them to cd. If it's a game with more than 1 cd and during setup you're asked to insert the next cd, just mount the .cue/.bin file of the next cd to a virtual drive and resume the setup. You can use the same drive for all cd's.
Works perfectly and is very easy to do.

How To Make Your Own Torrent:

Some clients have a built in torrent maker, check your clients homepage for info.

If not, follow these simple steps:
First find a file you want to make a torrent of. Put that file in a separate folder and give the folder an accurate name (like the name of the movie, it's format (xvid, dvdr), the year it was made), all the files in that folder will be included in the torrent.

Download MakeTorrent and install it.

1. Set MakeTorrent on 'Simple'.

2. Select the files on your computer you want to torrent (ie. K:\Friends\Season 10\episode 1-5).

3. Enter the announce url from the tracker you plan to use (ie. http://trackername:6969/announce).

4. Click 'Create .torrent'.

5. Upload the torrent file to the tracker you used in the announce url.

6. Start your torrent and save it to the same folder you made the torrent of.

7. After checking your existing data, your client will show that you're seeding your torrent.

8. Keep seeding until several other people have completely downloaded the file and are seeding too
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You Scream,I Scream,We all scream for Morphine

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Samsung Neki shit
ajmo sada i sajtove evo vam najbolji savet
kada trazite torrent kucajte u google
"ime fajle koje trazite torrent"
« Poslednja izmena: 28. Dec 2005, 21:45:45 od darthmaul »
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Ja sam kompletni novajlija u ovim vodama, ali koliko god glupo zvucalo, moram da pitam: Jesam li ja jedini kome ne uspeva da pokrene BitTorrent download ili se to desilo jos nekom?
Znaci, regularno sam instalirao verziju BitTorrenta sa oficijalnog sajta (normalno da u toku instalacije nisam imao prilike da uticem na bilo kakve parametre). Pokrenuo sam Torrent fajl, ali nista!?? Download je kao poceo, ali vrednosti za download i upload su 0, nista se ne desava.
Napominjem da nisam na dial-up konekciji vec je to stalna internet veza u firmi, preko LAN mreze i servera (DHCP, automatsko dodeljivanje IP adrese).
Ima li neke sanse da se ovako nesto pokrene! Pomozite!
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I reject your reality and substitute my own!

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verovatno je stari link...
Kada trazis neki fajl, uvek pogledaj koliko ima seedera ... to je broj u kolini oznacenoj najcesce sa "S" u tabeli koju dobijas prilikom pretrage na nekom od torrent pretrazivaca... :)
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“Pronašli smo se
na zlatnoj visoravni
daleko u nama.”
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You Scream,I Scream,We all scream for Morphine

Zodijak Taurus
Pol Žena
Poruke 12305
Zastava Beograd
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 1.5
Samsung Neki shit
mozda ti je proxy nesto sjeban

ja sam resio taj problem sa menjanjem sa

bitspirita na bitcomet
comet mi nepravi problema
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SonyEricsson K750i @ swW800i
ma torrent je zakon ja za veche skinem igru od 700mb :)
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Edit by SerbianFighter: Maksimalna dozvoljena velicina slika u potpisu je visina: 60pix, sirina: 468pix i velicina 20KB
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my experience with torrent client lear me that there's no a law: generally those based on java, like azureus and bit lord, have some interesting features (bit lord can download even 9 torrent and do that so high). The realy power of p2p is the development of new internet tecnologies: now we can use some types of network and all have goods and faults (see gnutella, magnetik, irc, and torrent of course). you have to try most client to find the one that works better, for example i don't use emule, it woks very bad on my pc downloading 5 kb\s max, but a friend of mine downloads to 50\60 kb\s... and we have the same dsl speed! but edonkey works very well for me and not for him! ok i can stop here,  and sorry for my bad english, but i don't speak that since i finish the school, ten years ago, see ya
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