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Tema: Koji vam je podznak i kako ga mozete sami pronaci?  (Pročitano 251934 puta)
18. Avg 2005, 19:04:08
Udaljen sa foruma
Superstar foruma

Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
Svakoga jutra, Sunce se pojavljuje na istocnom horizontu.
 I to se desava svakoga dana…ali, da li ste znali da isto tako svaki Znak izlazi na istocnom horizontu, kao i Sunce?

Svakodnevno, jedan za drugim, oni se smenjuju u intervalu od po dva sata. Izlazeci znak je mnogo popularniji kod nas kao podznak, I u zavisnosti od toga koji se znak nalazio na istocnom horizontu u trenutku vaseg rodjenja, vi ste u podznaku Bik, Rak, Blizanci, Devica ili nesto drugo. To je znak vaseg Ascedenta, i pocetak vaseg horoskopa, vase natalne karte. A sta on u stvari predstavlja? Najkrace receno, vas. Vase stavove, zasto ste tu gde jeste i cemu tezite, takodje i to kako izgledate, vas outlook, kako vas drugi vide.
Sajt vam nudi besplatno

- crtanje natalne karte - time ujedno i odredjivanje vašeg podznaka opcija: Chart drawing, Ascendant

- crtanje karte za uporedni horoskop - sinastrija: opcija  Extended Chart Selection (vidi aditiona l objests i selektiraj Chiron )

-proverite koliko vam odgovara vaš partner, kakva je vaša veza AstroClick Partner

- gde da se preselite? Astro Click Travel

- vaš portret Personal Portrait

- vaš lični dnevni horoskop Personal Daily Horoscope

Sve što je potrebno su podaci: vaš datum i godina rodjenja, mesto rodjenja i vreme rodjenja.

Spoj znaka i podznaka - karakteristike
Edit by Makishon

rodjen sam 23.11.1983 u 9.00 ujutro .
da li neko sa sigurnoshcu zna  koji sam podznak ..?
Unapred zahvalan ..

« Poslednja izmena: 17. Okt 2007, 23:03:04 od andjela pizelly »
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niente paura

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Samsung Galaxy Ace Fleur
Za izracunavanje podznaka je potrebno znati i mesto rodjenja. Imas puno sajtova na kojima mozes izracunati podznak i uraditi razne horoskope, na primer, ako ne umes da se snadjes napisi jos gde si rodjen pa cu ti ja to videti.
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Superstar foruma

Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
ne mogu ja tamo da se snadjem  :oops:
rodjen sam u Beogradu ... Savski Venac
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I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Zodijak Pisces
Pol Žena
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava Unutrasnja strana vetra
Apple 15
dupli Strelac...

Sve sa natalnom kartom ;)

Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku (kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)

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“Pronašli smo se
na zlatnoj visoravni
daleko u nama.”
- Vasko Popa
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Moje ime je Ozymandias.

Zodijak Cancer
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 38906
Zastava Kragujevac
Meni negde ispada da sam rak a negde bik. Inace ni ja se ne snalazim na ovom sajtu a podznak mi treba zbog devojke koja je zaludjena u horoskop :D

Pa ako bi mogli da pomognete:

Rodjen sam 12. Jula 1983. god. u 00.35 u Kragujevcu.

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niente paura

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Poruke 7714
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Samsung Galaxy Ace Fleur

Podznak Bik, a evo i tumacenje tvog horoskopa, nadam se da ne smeta sto je na engleskom  :[115]:

Sun in Cancer, Moon in Leo

You were born with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo. Your individuality is under the rulership of Cancer. This means that internally you focus on emotions and instincts. When you can express yourself freely, you show a concern for family life as well as casual relationships. At the emotional level, at least, you are frank and trustworthy. You are very attached to your material possessions. You are very fond of pleasure and amusement. You are ambitious and desirous of prominent positions, as well as of the opportunity to perform in public. People view you as generous, honorable, and high-minded.

Your weaknesses lie in the emotions. The sign of Cancer gives you tremendous sensitivity in your relationships with friends. You are spontaneous and frank with them, and you will suffer considerably when these attitudes are not reciprocated.

The key to better integration of your personality is to enlarge your intellectual capacities.

Ascendant in Taurus, Venus in the Fifth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Taurus was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Venus is located in the fifth house.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiacal belt and within its rulership there are determination, common sense, possessiveness, and a tendency to seek material wealth.

You appear as a solid, secure, even slow person, fond of moving along tangible lines, disliking abstract speculation.

You are loyal and steadfast in your affections. Your overall attitude is amiable, exhibiting much patience in dealings with other people. You are a sensuous person who likes to indulge in healthful but always pleasurable activities. In spite of this, however, you have a tremendous capacity for exercising both will-power and physical strength. A major difficulty you encounter in life is due to your inflexibility; once you have made up your mind, you are closed to all other suggestion or opinion.

Venus, the ruler of your life, was found located in the fifth house; the house of love, pleasure and children.

This is regarded by traditional astrology as one of the best positions of Venus. It directs you toward success and towards obtaining benefits through art and related areas.

Harmony in domestic matters is another feature of Venus here.

Sun in the Fourth House

The Sun appears in the fourth house at the time of your birth. This is an indication that parental name, family affairs and other domestic matters are of the utmost importance in your life.

Sun brings honor, pride, and fame to anything under its influence, and it is indicated that the problem of these influences here is that proper success for you cannot materialize until you are well past your mature years. There appears to exist a very strong attachment to one of your parents.

You believe in being the "ruler" in your home, and the sense of privacy is extensively developed in your nature.

As life passes you will experience illuminating insights connecting your individuality with certain racial and family elements. Study them. You will then perhaps discover the nature of the spiritual mission which destiny requires of you.

Moon in the Fifth House

The Moon was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This indicates that you will participate actively in business speculations with many changes occurring in this respect. You were born with a knack for dealing with people and with the ability to communicate with them, particularly in connection with business enterprises.

Your emotional nature is very much geared to your love of pleasure, and you possess a very curious aptitude which may bring you financial gains as well as pleasures in business.

In spite of the positive qualities you have, the fact of the matter is that in love you are very changeable, unstable, or too preoccupied with trivialities.

Your love feelings are very well developed and lead to strong drives for sensations and passionate tendencies which unfortunately are not directed to one object alone.

It is possible that throughout life you may be connected with small and numerous business investments with a fairly good return.

Note: The Moon is technically near the end of house 4 and is therefore interpreted in house 5.

Venus in the Fifth House

Venus was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. At first glance this denotes rich, intense, and pleasant emotional events that will enhance your psychic nature. You are a person who could be regarded as fortunate in love and very successful. Whereas Venus grants the basic capability to reach full enjoyment from love and emotional involvements, it also indicates a tendency to be somewhat inconsistent, volatile, and changeable in romance. Although you are capable of loving intensely and with devotion, the tendencies are to lose interest after a certain time. You would be in a better position if you could exert some control over your span of interest.

Saturn in the Sixth House

Saturn was found in your sixth house at the time of birth. This is a very faithful position. It indicates that your destiny will be fulfilled by overcoming obstacles in achieving success in your work.

In general, your work orientation and general health may be difficult at times, but you have enough willpower and stamina to make the best of them. Even if you find problems in working and you may also be distressed by your relationships with subordinates or fellow employees, you can prove your reliability by doing your duty and taking responsibility for the general work process. Most of the more unfortunate circumstances should be regarded as tests of your character and viewed in this manner, you may obtain much enrichment in your psychic life from this knowledge and experience of pain.
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Special One - JM

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1418
SonyEricsson K750i
Aj pomozi i meni. Rođen sam 11.11.1976. u Beogradu. u 14:30
« Poslednja izmena: 21. Maj 2008, 04:35:27 od Makišon »
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Jose Mourinho - The Special One
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Poruke 2225
Zastava in the back of your mind ;-)
11.11.1976 @ 14:30 BEG,

podznak je Ovan

Komplikovana kombinacija: volja u osvetoljubivoj i vrlo privatnoj Skorpiji, dusa u kmezavom Raku koji se vrti u krug, a zelja da se predstavis kao superbrzi efektni Ovan...

Pa jos stelijum Sunca, Merkura i Marsa u Skorpiji. Pretpostavljam da se svaki drugi od onih koji od tebe traze "iskreno misljenje" ugrize za jezik kad ga osines svojom istinom za koju taj neko nije bio spreman kao bicem. 

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Special One - JM

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1418
SonyEricsson K750i
Dogovoreno. Ajde reci mi za drugu osobu, rodjena 14.07.77. u 13:50 u Surdulici.
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Jose Mourinho - The Special One
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Ucesnik diskusija

Zodijak Cancer
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 164
Zastava Bar
LG T385
 Ajde neka meni neko pogleda plizz rodjen sam u baru crna gora 7.7.1986 u 13.45 casova... :cry: :cry: :D
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