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Tema: Hommage to our main-administrator (and my girlfriend)  (Pročitano 8385 puta)
03. Mar 2004, 18:03:17
Hronicar svakodnevice

Poruke 626
Ovi znaci i istina o njima po sebi, dakle bez položaja Sunca u njima, onako kako ih narod ili astrolozi znaju, imaju svoju istinitu zavisnost, odnose jedan spram drugog, pa su tako pocetak i kraj, i baza svakolikog astrološkog znanja. Sve ono što znamo o znacima kada je Sunce u njima, ili o poljima koja su posledica njihovog uticaja je u stvari prica o zodijaku, zodijackom krugu, koji bi morao biti za svakog studenta astrologije prvo i poslednje saznanje. Oni kriju svoju tajnu, tajnu odnosa, koju mi moramo nužno razumeti.
Pocecemo ovu beskrajnu pricu recimo od znaka Blizanca. Vi znate kakvo je to jato po sebi, pre svega radosno, znatiželjno, spremno da uci, komunikativno u smislu genetske, a ne prirodne komunikacije koja zavisi od Venere, pa tako obavezuje sve planete koje se u njemu nadu - da prihvate njegove principe i njegove osobenosti. Cesto kažu za Blizance da su površni, što je dakako najgluplja moguca laž i neistina. Kad to kažu, ljudi misle na Sunce, Sunce kao princip trajnosti, princip ambicije, princip ega, princip volje za moc. No oni zaboravljaju da sve ove vrline ili mane Sunceve, apsolutno nisu prihvacene od jednog jata koga ni ambicija, ni moc, ni hijerarhija, a još manje red - interesuje. To cete najbolje razumeti ako budete tumacili Ascendent Blizanci, koji je sadsvim intelektualan, lucidan, ciji ce karakter odrediti ostali deo horoskopa. Merkura stalnost ne interesuje, jer je On u potrazi koja hoce da definiše, a ne nešto definisano - što Sunce jeste. Merkur voli haos, kako to narod kaže, no zapravo on ili jato Blizanaca, su princip igre, koja nema u sebi ni stalnost, ni nepromenljivost ega jednog Sunca, koje u sebi red vec po sebi sadrži.

Taj red koji bi Sunce htelo da ima, nije veca vrednost od principa intelektualne igre, od prve svesnosti jata Blizanaca koje šalje Merkur na put po Zodijaku, ne bi li razumeo šta to covek zapravo hoce da sazna. Al i da nema Sunca, jato se igra. Jato misli i poštuje negde ipak svesno - da je istina nespoznatljiva, ako nije vec najveca tajna. Ta potreba za igrom je savsim opravdana. Opravdana je zato što 90* od ovog jata, dakle u antagonizmu i onoga što se ne može razumeti po sebi, živi prirodni znak vere, Boga i tajni ,jato Riba. I baš zato što mu nije dato da u metafizicko, onostrano ude, ovo intelektualno jato ostaje u domenu logike i mišljenja, pa se nasmejano igra. Ali, znate li zašto se nasmejano igra? Dok ovo diktiram, mislim kako bi se i ja nasmejano igrao, kada bi kroz vrtešku osnovnih 12 znakova u mom nesvesnom živelo takodje prirodno XII jato jata Blizanca, jato culno, jato sladostrasno, jato materijalno, jato nadstvarne snage jato Bika. I što se onda Merkur ne bi smejao, kad u njegovom nesvesnom se Venera nasladuje u svom maštanju o bogatstvu, o strasnom zagrljaju kakve žene ili muškarca, o svakolikom epikurejskom hedonistickom zadovoljstvu. Ja jadan Škorpion, cije nesvesno je napravljeno ne od - ne znam kakve venuzijanske nežnosti i ljubavnih strahova i gubitaka, vec od neceg što je suprotno po sebi - onome što bi trebao biti prirodni Ascendent, dakle znak Ovna. XII znak dakle od Škorpiona, znak Vage, je po sebi antipod kosmograma ili onog što snaga ma cija treba prihvatiti, pa tako eto užasa i ironije, valjda dovoljno strašne primereno snazi, kao što to uvek jeste, snazi znaka Škorpiona. No, posmatramo jato Blizanaca, pa se pitamo, zašto ljudi kažu da su Blizanci cesto sebicni, što naravno opet nije tacno. Nekakvo jato konobara ili takvi idiotizmi...jato onih pored nas, jato koje vec deli sebe, a mi to osudujemo. Al, vidite, drugi znak je znak Raka, pa kad Blizanci i Merkur pogledaju, oni užasnuto vide da novac treba porodici, kuci, a ne sebi. Nešto im šapuce iznutra: mladi smo, bolje da se još igramo i onda kad trgujemo, jer mi postojimo zapravo samo za sebe, onda kad dajemo ovom drugom Blizancu, tom dvojstvu, što je maksimim nesvesne racionalizacije, a ne naciji, porodici, kuci, domovini, na šta nas obavezuje naslonjeni znak, drugi znak od znaka Blizanaca, znak Raka. No ovo je razumljivo, pa ce zato Blizancima biti najlakše da daju na ono što je u kuci, jer i oni su u kuci, iako simbolizuju, što idiotska astrologija govori svog komšiju, ko da komšija kucu nema. Lepo su nas bogami ucili, kad bejasmo mladi. Ako su Blizanci prvi, onda je Lav treci znak od ovog jata, pa šta to može ,pita se Merkur ,nauciti od onoga što smo vec opisali? Upravo ovaj sekstil, ovaj odnos obavezuje jato Blizanaca da budu realni i pragmaticni, što svakako nije jedina, a kamoli poslednja mentalna osobina. Jel se zato oni smeju? Jel se zato oni zapravo možda ipak rugaju Suncu u toj preteranoj ozbiljnosti i redu, baš kao da znaju da ovaj svet suviše veliki haos, tajna ili zapravo cudo - jeste.
A, cetvrto jato po redu ili polje iz kog je to jato izvedeno u odnosu na Blizance, zvezdano jato Device, i cudi se Merkur, cude se Blizanci, nekom drugom naizgled svesnijem, stidljivijem spram znanja dubljem Merkuru. Nema osmeha, nema vedrine, jato cuti nemo, zapanjeno, i sad traži još strašniji red naravno s pravom, red misli, pa zato Blizanci beže iz kuce i jurcaju okolo. Nije važno gde. I govori im Merkur iz Blizanaca da ipak ste malo isuviše sumorni spram znanja koje imate, da ipak ste malo isuviše nadmeni u skrivenom stidu vrednosti koje ste stekli. I zato se ne vole ova dva znaka, jedan briguje zbog neznanja sasvim iskreno i duboko, a ovaj se veseli i igra, jer ima nadu da ce znanje vedriniom i pozitivizmom, pa naravno takvo znanje otkriti. No tmurniji je dan, te vidovnjak, trostruki Blizanac i od Getea i od Tolstoja, što se rodiše u jatu Device, jer šta ce to covek na kraju razumeti, nego da je mišljenje - postojanje, a ono opet brigovanje koje radost nužno uzeti mora. A zašto Blizanci vole decu? I zašto su uvek deca? Ili zašto vole pozornicu, pricu, igru, glumu? Zašto se ne stide? Zašto radaju lepu decu? Zašto ih raduje umetnost? Zašto rado idu u školu? Zašto s lakocom izjavljuju ljubavne reci zanosne, ako ne zato što je baš to V jato, ili V znak koji Vi što ste znake zodijaka zaboravili, pa i sad ne vidite, da znak Vage je baš znak uzroka svemu navedenom. I zato, radost Venere, vladara znaka Vage, ili materije od koje je taj znak napravljen - je u stvari duboka i prava, a opet nesvesna, jer se ovde o praarhetipovima radi, što zvezdana jata jesu. Ako je život pozornica, onda je pozornica vedra, a ne kao kod Škorpiona recimo - znak Riba. No, svest se raduje kad komunicira s necim, makar tu i Saturn egzaltiran bio, s necim sada ljupkim, sa principom lepote, sa principom same komunikacije. Najelementarnija uporišta u životu, u svesti Merkura i Blizanaca, dakle u ljudskoj svesti, na koji ovaj znak deluje, moraju biti ovakvi, jer taj peti znak, peti plod, znak dece je sada Venera, nešto vedro, ljupko, nasmejano, dok se u nesvesnom, u XII znaku od znaka Blizanaca nekakav Bog sit i bogme malcice podebeo - sad raduje, a strahove ukida. Jesu li u nesvesnom svi Blizanci Budisti? Pitam se a, da tog sami svesni nisu, jer Buda ne traži odricanje, religiozno  XII znak Bika, život strasno vole, pa ma kolko potisnuti, eto neuporedivog uporišta. I tako bi verovatno i bilo, da je Aristotel dobro razumeo Parmenida, za koga postojati znaci diviti se, baš ovo što pricamo o Blizancima i Biku, a ne živeti znaci misliti, sumnjati, brigovati, od kog Dekart napravi - mislim dakle postojim. Jer, možda je ovo tajna metafizike znaka Blizanaca. Da li se možda u ovom nalazi svest radosna njihova, koja ipak negde razume da je misao nešto što coveku zapravo na kraju ne može pomoci, i da je misao upravo ono cemu Merkur - smisao samo u ovom pocetku kad cist beše - želi da se vecno ruga.
Opet u arhajskom, i eto nas kod jata Škorpiona, gde borba, snaga, rat, -RAD sad jesu.

I baš zato, zbog ovog tragicnog daha smrti, ovog metafizickog u kom energoija menja svoje stanje i prividno  nešto  postaje  ništa  da bi postalo  nešto , Merkur kaže sebi ma bolje da se olovke dohvatim ja, i bolje opet da se igram, jer raditi fanaticno, znaci dosledno, znaci uporno, znaci ukinuti svu radost ,što naravno ne prihvata. Za Blizance nesvesno , rad je opasno suocavanje sa egzistencijom ili još opasnije, jedna strava doživljaja principa borbe, rada, opstanka, pa ako je vec tako ,misli - ako rad zapravo smrt jeste a ne radost, tuga beznadna a ne osmeh mio, ja cu gledati da budem što lukaviji, da što manje potrošim sebe, da se što vIše zabavim.I zamislite, baš tu je u pravu, rad bi trebao biti posledica karakternih potreba, a ne sudbina, opstanak,biti ili ne biti, preživeti - kako mu to šapuce znak Škorpiona. I zato je Merkuru jasno da novac mora biti posledica onoga što covek radi, a što ga uprkos svemu raduje, a ne gorka i ukleta muka. Misliti, a ne fizicki raditi, misliti, a ne ratovati. Rad ubija svaku radost, ako rad sama radost nije. Eh, da smo ostali u svesti tog treceg jata i energija što izmedu Aldeberana i Belatriksa žive. A, šta je to preko puta ovog našeg znaka? Šta to nervira i šta to hoce da kroz krivnju, moral, nekakvo dublje znaje i mudrost, opet ukine - u radosti bezbrižno mišljenje? I eto nam partnera, i eto nam rivala, i eto nam mudrog znaka Strelca, koji bi da se pobuni svojom uštogljenom akademskom ucenošcu, Jupitera - u koga bi mogli poverovati da je takav po sebi - bogat, pozitivan i vrlina sama, da ga strah od smrti što u njegovom nesvesnom živi, u njegovom XII, u znaku Škorpiona - ne nagoni na nužno samousavršavanje, na nužno dobro po sebi. Jer smrt se šunja kao XII znak Škorpiona, pa strah pritiska vrlinu Jupiterijansku, vrlinu u ciju samopotrebnost po sebi - sve manje verujemo, i glad ispred, jer eto II znaka, Jarca, kamenja i stenja neplodnog, što opet strah rada, a vrlina još više bledi. I zato to - što Merkur vidi zašto dobro mora biti dobro i zašto Jupiter i Strelac moraju biti dobri, - On ima prava i da se samom Zevsu ili jatu Strelca ruga. Ja samo želim da skinem veo tajne sa sveg što mogu, bar delic jedan, bar zrnce, pa tako i s Jupitera sjajnog i mudrog, koji je sasvim ubeden kao i jato Strelca - da moral, red, moralni il ljudski zakoni znanja, a ne bezbrižna igra, mogu spasti coveka.
Vidite, nešto mi je uvek govorilo, a da nisam razumeo, da Blizanci imaju u spokojnom osmehu i kada je lažan, neku mudrost nespoznatljivu za mene, da kažemo - Škorpiona. Cesto bi voleo da drugi doživljaji postojanja sem radosnog mišljenja o smrti ne postoje. Radosnog mišljenja, jer su Blizanci VIII znak, VIII jato od Škorpiona. Tako ce jedna strast mracna - ovu drugu veselu - na tragicno obavezati. I baš zato što je Škorpion ne samo kroz sentimente i kroz strast svestan smrti, vec i kroz mišljenje od koga je napravljen znak Blizanaca, baš zato ima nade malcice za Škorpiona, ima majušno svetlo da život i smrt kao neprekidnu igru, igru radosnu spoznaju.
Cudi se Merkur dok gleda u Saturn, cudi se princip igre principu koji je antipodan, principu koji odbacuje sve, principu koji najmanje od sveg baš to što Merkur jeste - ne želi da bude. Ne žele Saturn i Jarac ništa drugo, oni - što su za Merkura, pa dakle i za svest ljudsku ništa drugo - sem stalnost, potreba za samocom, gotovo ukleta potreba za nedodirljivošcu, za nepromenljivošcu, za konstantnim. Za onim što se ne menje, a živo jeste, te samo mrko izgleda. I baš zato je ovo zvezdano jato smrt sama, kao VIII jato od jata Blizanaca, sve ono što razdragana igra mlada želi da bude, jeste i ostane, sve to Saturn nije - vec upravo ono suprotno. I baš zato, što cak ni energiju nema, prepada se - i do pakla i nazad peva jato Blizanaca - jata Jarca, sa svojim osobinama, baš onako, kao što se urednica naša ljupka svog sina negde potajno pribojava.
A IX znak ili ono što bi trebalo biti moralno, pravedno u odnosu na znak Blizanaca je znak Vodolije, znak ateizma, znak onog odvec ljudskog, znak pobunjenog coveka, znak coveka ateiste, spremnog da žrtvuje i da se žrtvuje. Iako je to moral, i ako je to vrlina kao što je to dato znaku Blizanaca kroz IX znak Vodolije, pa zašto ja onda ne bi razvijao još više princip igre i bio nasmejan i vedar, kad ono što je svesno, pozitivisticko ili svesno verovanje - je u stvari samo obicna ljudska pobuna, nevera i ateizam, ili jedna viša potraga, smelija, hazardnija igra u kojoj covek razapet izmedu životinje i Boga, Jarca i Riba, traži svoje mesto u svemiru? Iako znak Vodolije, dakle covek, ima jedan uzvišen dar da se naruga sebi, onda on upravo dolazi iz tog odnosa Blizanaca i Vodolije, iz svesnog i metasvesnog, pa ta sposobnost i ta vrlina samoprezira i samorauganja svom znanju i svom neznanju - baš iz ovog harmonicnog odnosa dolaze. Ako moral u stvari nije moral nego pobuna, jer IX materija, znak, ili kako vi više volite polje, je baš od toga napravljena. Zašto bi ja stajao mirno spram nekih kanona? - pita se Merkur i zvezdano jato Blizanaca, - kad se covek neprekidno trudi da kroz svest, nadsvest, rizik, pobunu, koju je spreman i životom da plati - uništi sebe? Svest dalje od ovog razumeti ne može, pa nehajnost i spokojnost u igri dolaze upravo iz ovog odnosa, iz svesti Merkurijanske o daljinama, njemu IX zn Vodolije, u mislima i fizici, u kojima je spreman covek da zarad ideje uradi nešto vredno poštovanja. Jeli zaista vredno poštovanja - ruga mu se ovaj drugi Blizanac ili druga svest umreti zarad ideje? I tad Merkur i Blizanci ulaze u carstvo metafizike, u brigu koju ne žele da prihvate niti mogu, u znak Riba, koji obavezuje na tajnu. Na tajnu koja zaboravlja da se i s njom covek igrati može, makar ga ne znam kako površnim zvali. I dokle god bude bila tajna, ja necu više znati je li ona istina ili nije, i dokle god ovaj znak Riba, X znak, kao nešto lukavo u pragmaticnom ili kao nespoznatljivo u metafizickom bude želeo da vlada sa mnom, ja cu se njemu rugati još više, ja cu se igrati poput deteta, poput mlade svesti. Jer, - pita se Merkur - kako nešto nespoznatljivo, što traži veru, za koju je patnja uslov najcešce, želi da vlada? Kako nešto što se vec po sebi odrice ambicije, želi da vlada?. I baš zato što je njegovo metafizicko od Bika, radosno, spoznatljivo od duha - ako ne u svesti, onda ovaj vladar, šef, fundamentalni misterij ili gazda, smešan što kao takav autoritet želi biti, koji baš autoritet ne želi biti po sebi, moc želi da ima. Ko zaista laže? Ili, zaista, gde je istina? I zato je igra vrlina, a volja za moc i ambicija nešto cemu se narugati ja Merkur moram. Tajna sumorna vlast hoce imati, pa još tašta, pa još gizdava, moc nadamnom hoce da ima. Ne! To ne mogu da prihvatim, tu centralnu volju meni datu za moc, taj X znak, koji ili ucuti, ili pateticno i zagonetno lažan jeste, ili istinski nerazumljiv. Pa i da je istina, neprihvatljiva je, jer traži veru, a ja veru samo u radost spoznatljivog, u jednom lepom casu, u trenu, bez vremena želim imati. Moja metafizika je takva - dovikuje Merkur Neptunu, a Blizanci Ribama, dok hiljade gazda placu na poslu, jer im se neko uprkos svemu što su i lukaviji i mudriji - smeje, i još više radostan - ruga. I evo nas na kraju onog svesnog, jer nesvesno vec opisasmo. Evo nas kod prijatelja i kod reci sasvim prostacke, da su Blizanci neverni, dvolicni, nepostijani. A XI znak je znak Ovna. To što Mars viteški srlja i što je dosledan sebi, baš me ni malo ne zanima - misli Merkur. Suviše želje, suviše nade, suviše principa, pa još to bez svesti , posmatra Merkur XI znak Ovna. Ne, ne mogu mu biti veran, dok se snaga cudi mišljenju. Kako inace snaga ruši mišljenje i omalovažava joj vrednost, ne, ne mogu ni njima veran biti, sem onda dok se igraju rata, a ne onda dok ga žive. Ne, ne mogu ja biti veran nikome, ni snazi, ni duhu, ni sentimentu, ni mudrosti ma kakvoj. Svi oni imaju suviše taštu ambiciju da nešto znaju. Svi me oni negde u preziru oholom vredaju. Svi oni u svom ponosu i svom egu da se tašto stide! Svi oni to cine, a ne znaju zapravo da baš tog casa se onom jedinom radosnom principu filozofije, što ja jesam, principu igre - se rugaju, i što je još strašnije, ne znaju da vredaju baš svoju, a ne tudu, baš svoju vlastitu inteligenciju! Baš nju koja bi im istinski pomoci htela, samo kada bi znaka kako. ...I uci taština, svakog dana da ima nekog na kog bi se ugledati morala ona, i uci ego da je radostan samo dok se igra i dok se ruga i sebi i svetu. Al šta covek jadni mari za svoju prvu, a cini se cesto i zadnju svest, što jedina u veselom znanju igre ostade.

Goran Milekic, tekst iz "Astrologusa"
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Poruke 302
da se pridruzim.... Smile


He said, "I look for butterflies

that sleep among the wheat 1 make them into mutton-pies,

And sell them in the street. I sell them unto men," he said,

"Who sail on stormy seas;

And that's the way I get my bread-

A trifle, if you please."

One day your Gemini boss will be a walking clock whose camera eye records each second you take past your coffee break. On another, he won't even notice if you come back three hours late from lunch. You can try flipping a coin to predict his changes. It's about as safe as anything else. I realize that it would be a big help to know which day he's going to take what attitude.

But the Gemini executive doesn't know himself which side of the bed he's going to get out on each morning, and since he doesn't know, you can see that I can't tell you. The safest way is not to expect him to be today what he was yesterday, and cross your fingers about tomorrow.

This man can be a brilliant, though restless, executive:

He's more at home in the president's chair than the other mutable signs of Virgo, Pisces or Sagittarius would be, but he's not equipped to command or lead others for his entire lifetime. A Gemini who thinks he's constituted to run a large company with calm assurance is just kidding himself (always considering the exceptions to the rule, like a Sun sign Gemini with a Leo ascendant and a Libra Moon, for example). In the first place, it's hard for him to sit still behind a desk for more than an hour at a time. President Kennedy, one of the rare Geminis equipped to take on the burdens of leadership, solved that problem neatly. He simply released his nervous energy by making his rocking chair fly.

Your Mercury-ruled boss must move around. Gemini is an air sign, and did you ever see air stand still? It may seem to sometimes on a hot, humid day (and so will a Gemini if you catch him in a rare moment), but that's only an illusion in both cases. The typical Gemini boss will wear a hole in the carpet pacing up and down if he's caged up in an office too long. He's happier as a management con­sultant, an efficiency expert or a vice president in charge of trouble-shooting than when he's forced into the con­fining mold of a nine-to-five position, no matter how fancy the title. He deals with ideas, principles and abstractions. The humdrum and material responsibilties of the average executive eventually depress his soaring spirit. Therefore, when a Gemini parachutes himself into an executive spot, he'll be quick to exercise his acute discrimination and dele­gate authority to others around him. These carefully chosen specialists will really run the business, freeing his own rest­less mind for progressive schemes and original plans that will double the company's profit and lower its overhead. He's impatient with dull, mundane details.

If your company just hired a Gemini as your superior you can expect some changes to be made in short order. The slowest form of communication around the place will probably be cablegrams, and he may require a few more buttons on his telephone than his predecessor. Your new Gemini boss won't be on the job a week before he's inquisi­tively poked around into every area of the operation. As soon as he learns what's being done and how it's being done, he'll want to know why. The answer, "We've always done it this way," will cause his bright eyes to turn to ice cubes that could freeze you at thirty paces. Gemini is not even slightly interested in or impressed with tradition. When he's told something is an old custom, that's reason enough for him to change it. The typical Mercury boss will •have the furniture moved around frequently, drive his

secretary into a fit of the fidgets once a week with a new idea for a filing system that will work more efficiently, and change the work schedules back and forth until he finds one that clicks with him.

There's one thing you can count on, and one of the few things you can count on consistently with a Gemini. He   :, will never be monotonous. He'll seldom be dogmatic either.   ( His opinions are flexible. You can't mislead him or confuse   . the issue, because his quicksilver mind will instantly reduce the frills, penetrate the smoke screens and expose all sides of the question with crystal clarity. That means he also , exposes office intrigues with little difficulty. Sometimes, you'll swear he has eyes in the back of his head-and an   y extra pair of ears there, too. Speaking of his anatomy and such, it's even hard to credit him with just one pair of   ' feet, since there will be plenty of occasions when he appears   I to be two places at once.

Never fear that your Gemini employer will hate you or be your enemy. Few people interest him long enough for that kind of intensity. You won't be in his thoughts for more than an hour or so at a time. That's not long enough to work up any violent feelings, for or against. Besides, he has a pretty fair understanding about how the other person feels.

It may puzzle you to discover that, although your Gemini employer is an individualist in every way, he may not treat you as an individualist. It seems inconsistent, but then this is a dual sign, with more than one surprise. I don't mean that he won't respect your individual opinions.. He will. It's just that he doesn't always see you personally as an individual. The Geminian mind is so abstract that he often sees only basic designs in both objects and people. All kinds of people are fascinating to him, but he tends to categorize them according to their abilities, ideas and potential.

Yet this odd viewpoint doesn't make him unattractive as a human being. Quite the contrary. Even though his approach is far more rational than emotional, he likes people so much, they just can't help liking him back. With­out the constant challenge of human contact, he would dry up and float away. Mercury demands that he be gre­garious and live vicariously or be miserable. You'll rarely see him by himself. He may classify people by types and remain detached emotionally, but he needs them around.

Your Gemini boss will probably have considerable powers of persuasion. He can wheedle you into or talk you out of most anything, simply by dousing you with a bucket of that irresistible charm and wit of his. But it's a compen­sating talent he was given by the planets at birth, that hides a basic coldness of nature. Gemini lives in vague, airy palaces in the sky the average person can't reach. His true character, despite his surface warmness, is cool, aloof and lonely, in the final analysis, searching for something inside itself more than from others, no matter how frequently he seeks their company. Yet, he's not unsympathetic. His manner can be gentle and compassionate, but at the same time, he offers his sympathy and understanding the same way he offers love and friendship-from a distance.

He'll have an excellent sense of humor, and you can win him over with a joke more quickly than with tears. He's not overly sentimental, but hell always see the ridiculous side of things. A sense of humor is a prerequisite to true intelligence, so it's not surprising to find it in the Mercury people, though sometimes it may be tinged with sharp sarcasm. There will always be a slight whirl of confusion around a Gemini-run office-and constant activity. -But he won't be the one who is confused. Gemini sorts it all out and clears the muddy waters of all the gunk. His quick eye and his trigger fast brain work in perfect synchronization. The eye will probably have a twinkle in it. He'll be the company's best salesman, make speeches and entertain a lot. And he'll probably travel so much, he may keep a suitcase ready to fly at a moment's notice. If he flirts with the pretty new secretary, better tell her he's not the least bit serious, just sharpening his charm a little.

Enjoy this boss while you can, because Geminis get suddenly bored after they've made financial or business successes, and they rush off to the next challenge long before retirement time. Before he goes, leam what you can about his strategy. It's really fantastic. He's an expert at double talk. He'll run around an argument in circles, mix you up, turn you around, then win you over to his side before you realize what's happened. Yet, as clever as he is in competitive situations, he's still an incurable dreamer, and a smashingly good storyteller. Pay no attention to what nationality he says he is. Whether he was born in Israel, Australia or Afghanistan, every single Gemini in the world is Irish at heart. How else could he possess such a wonderful gift of blarney? Notice all those green ties he wears. What did I tell you-pure County Cork.

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Poruke 302
The GEMINI Woman

Though she managed to pick plenty of beautiful rushes as the boat glided by, there was always a more lovely one that she couldn't reach. "The prettiest are always further!" she said at last,

with a sigh at the obstinacy of the rushes in growing so far off.

Have you always secretly thought Brigham Young had a sensational idea when he advocated several wives for one man? Do you inwardly envy the Eastern potentates with their harems? You needn't resign yourself to romantic Walter Mitty daydreams. Just marry a Gemini girl. That way, you'll be guaranteed at least two different wives, and on occasional weekends, as many as three or four.

Naturally, there's a small catch. The difference between a girl born under the sign of the twins and a harem is her apparent lack of interest in earthy passion. It's hard to get her to settle down long enough to take passion or anything else very seriously. Her mind is always traveling, and she keeps up a pretty good running commentary simultane­ously. But look a little deeper. Somewhere, hidden among the several women who make up one Gemini female, is a romantic one-one who is capable of intense passion, if you can manage to make the mental, spiritual and physical blending complete. How to develop her and still enjoy all the other women bottled up inside the Geminian person­ality may create a problem. I can tell you that one Gemini girl equals several women. But I'm afraid it's up to you to delve into the advanced algebra of sorting them out. Each individual case is different.

Her age will be an important clue to what you can expect, because until she matures, romance is only a game to her. She can be fickle and unpredictable to an incredible degree. First she'll be ecstatically carried away by your smile and your voice, even the way you walk. Then she'll reverse her ecstasy and criticize everything from your socks to your haircut, and she usually does it with such clever, sharp sarcasm, you may need iodine for your wounds. Now, don't let this put you out of the market for a Gemini woman. Remember you're getting at least two for one, and that's indisputably a bargain.

Mercury females aren't as heartless as they seem to be 'at times. Their active imaginations create many fantasies. Romance is the easiest way they can express them, and Geminis have at least twice as much to express as other women. A Gemini man can be a producer, a singer, a sailor, a lawyer, an actor, a salesman and the chairman of a few boards of directors all at once-and express himself ad infinitum. But a woman can't very well swing all that, or she would be considered a little freakish. Not that Mercury girls don't pursue careers. They do. Almost every last one of them. But under the existing conditions of society, a career still doesn't offer her as many opportunities as romance to try out her myriad theories and practice her emotional gymnastics.

The Gemini girl needs your pity, not your anger. It's painfully difficult for her to really commit herself to one person at a time. While she's being impressed with a man's mental abilities and his intelligent wit, another side of her is noticing his antipathy toward the arts or his lack of response to music and poetry. When she finds someone who's appropriately creative, who's at home at the ballet or in the literary world, the duality pops up again. Right in the middle of a stroll through the museum, her other self will begin to wonder if he's practical enough to make a living or if he has enough common sense to know where he's going. I trust you're beginning to have a more sympa­thetic understanding of the conflicts peculiar to those born in June.

Give her credit. Shell usually manage to keep her be­wilderment at her own complex character to herself, and not burden you with it. She's a lively and gay companion. Most of the time (when the mood is on the up-swing), she'll sparkle with a vivacious personality, amuse you with her clever, witty remarks, and converse intelligently about almost any subject under the sun. She enjoys all the senti­mental gestures of romance and has no trouble making conquests. No woman you've ever met will delight you with more imaginative ways of loving you and such appeal­ing charm. She can flutter her lashes with delicate femi­ninity, but she's not at all helpless when it comes to earning her own living. A Gemini woman can play the giddy party girl to perfection, flattering a helpless, trapped male right out of his mind and his bank book. But she can smoothly change into a demure and adoring housewife, from which she can quickly switch into a serious intellectual who studies the great philosophers and talks about politics or poetry brilliantly, then suddenly turn into a bundle of raw emotion, full of nerves, tears and fears. She's certainly not stuffy or monotonous.

If you think this is an exaggeration, remember the late Marilyn Monroe. Every man she ever knew, from Carl Sandburg to her hairdresser, saw her as a totally different person than the other men who thought they knew her, too. Place a photograph of her as the seductive love god­dess next to a picture of her wearing horn-rimmed glasses, a babushka and no make up, seriously intent on a lecture about Russian authors. Then add a third and fourth shot of her in a gingham apron, learning to bake a cheese soume for a husband whose athletic talents and warm, human qualities she worshiped-and walking sedately beside an­other husband whose intellectual abilities and literary talent she deeply respected and admired. Add two more photos. One showing her with a tear-stained face, full of longing, after losing her third baby-another shot of her in a bikini, gaily laughing with a handsome French movie star on the Riviera. These are not posed pictures. They were snapped when she wasn't even looking, let alone seeking publicity. It's a perfect example of the eye of the camera exposing all the women contained in one Gemini female, who suc­cessfully kept her multiple nature hidden behind the image she chose to project the most frequently.

Your Mercury-ruled girl longs to be "really, truly in love," but it keeps eluding her. She yearns for motherhood, but often that eludes her, too. She finds a different perfec­tion in each man she meets, as she restlessly searches for the one man who has all the qualities she needs for happiness.

You'll find her a great pal. The Mercury girl will go along with you on anything from scuba diving to speed racing-bicycling or badminton. She'll show an interest in all the outdoor sports, and still manage to look as soft and feminine as a powder puff, with a mind as fast as a whip. The Geminian sharp mentality will show clearly when her curiosity is excited by any new subject. Her Mercurial mind will let her see all the intricacies of your creative ideas, and she'll probably throw in a few promotional schemes of her own. As long as you don't demand con­sistency from her, she'll be completely fascinating.

It's only fair to warn you that this girl can sincerely believe she's in love, and find other men attractive at the same time. Unless she's near you all the time, she can forget you quicker than a woman born under any other Sun sign. It's her nature to accept change, even seek it. Until she leams to control her devoted courtship of con­stant activity, neglecting to cultivate patience and stability, the Gemini female can make quite a mess of her life- and yours. Fortunately for the men in love with them, most Geminian women settle down into a deeper understanding of their own natures before it's too late.

Once you've proposed to her and she's accepted, you can pity all those men who are doomed to a life of monogamy with just one woman. You'll have several wives when you marry your Gemini.

Wife Number One will be able to adjust to anything you require of her. If you require faithfulness, she can manage that, too, providing you're interesting enough to have won her real love. I refer to that blending of mental, spiritual and physical compatibility, with the physical part added last, like the paprika, after the other three are well mixed. This wife will never sulk if you take a new job out of town. With her ingenuity, taste and sense of color, she can make a new home look lovely with a light touch of her dainty, clever hand. Besides, she'll love the adventure, and there will be no nagging reproaches that you're gambling with future security. The excitement of new horizons inter­ests her more. She may have a surprisingly good head for business and she'll back all your original ideas. You can count on her to go to work if you need extra income, and she'll be pretty practical about how to spend it. Although she may give an outward impression of flightiness, she's not as nighty as she appears. She's a thinker, and a very clever one, underneath all the bright small talk.

Wife Number Two will be moody. You might just as well expect it. She'll have her satirical moments when she can be cynical and flippant, by turns. At the same time, she'll challenge you mentally. But a man needs to be stimu­lated, doesn't he? Go ahead, top her in an intellectual argument. (It's what she secretly wants anyway.) This wife won't be easily shocked by life or have any preconceived prejudices. She may decide to march in a protest parade or join a sit-in and forget to come home until midnight. What if you do have to join the fellows while she's out making a speech or going to night school to pick up a few extra credits? At least she probably won't hound you with • suspicious questions about who you were with, where you were, and what you were doing. Don't question her, either. You're on the honor system. So is she. This one is a highly independent individualist.

Wife Number Three will be bored and depressed with housekeeping routines. The beds will be unmade and the dishes will stand in the sink while she daydreams, reads or writes the outline for a play. She may serve you a can of beans for 'dinner without even bothering to open the can. But you can have the most soul-satisfying conversations with her into the wee, small hours. She'll sympathize with your frustrations at the way life has treated you. She'll satisfy both your emotional and your intellectual cravings, be curious about your opinion of Buddhism and excited about your attempts to write a song. In short, she's pretty good company. She'll be very affectionate, too, since you haven't bugged her about dusting and baking and all that nonsense. This wife may make a mess of the checkbook now and then. But if you suggest a sudden camping trip or a few days in Las Vegas, she'll enthusiastically pack her suitcase without a bunch of silly objections, like how it's going to affect the budget or who will feed the Siamese cat and what if the bathtub leaks while you're gone.

Wife Number Four will be a gay and laughing mother. She won't let the children restrict her, because she'll prob­ably have too many projects going constantly to smother them with over-protectiveness. They'll imitate her inde­pendence and benefit by it. If anyone asks her how much time she spends with them, she'll probably answer, "In our family, it's not a matter of how much time. It's a matter of how much love." And she'll be right. The children may not always obey her, because she's inclined to be emphatic one day, then melt and give in the next, but the youngsters will love their long talks with her. Her imagination will match theirs, and they'll amuse each other. She'll probably be a permissive mother, but she'll worry about scholastic averages, and she'll probably insist on good grades. They won't get by without doing their homework if she can help it, although they may get by without hanging up their clothes.

Wife Number Five will be a beautiful hostess, an expert at the whole candlelight, flowers and sterling silver routine. You can bring anyone, from your boss to the Governor home to dinner, and she'll be so gracious and charming, they'll never want to leave. Shell organize her life efficiently and effortlessly, dress like a fashion model and love the theater. You can take her to art galleries and concerts- she'll be right at home in any kind of society. Everyone will stare at you enviously and wonder who the glamorous woman is who hangs on your arm so sweetly. She'll be romantic and ultra-feminine, maybe even write you a poem for your birthday. You'll want to buy her velvet dressing gowns and expensive perfumes, because her gracious style will make you feel like a country squire. If you mention a trip to Europe, her eyes will sparkle. She's a sophisticate.

Well, there you are. I may have missed a few girls in your Gemini harem. Every husband in town will be green with envy when they see you with a different woman every day. If they ask you how you get away with it, play it cool. Polygamy is against the law, you know.

Your Gemini woman will never take a train when she can fly. She'll never be silent when she can speak. She'll never turn away when she can help. And she'll never walk when she can run. Her mind is full of so many thoughts and her heart is full of so many hopes, she may seem to need a computer to sort it all out. Or does she just need someone who can run beside her and toss dreams with her-from here to tomorrow? If you're that man, she doesn't dare look over her shoulder to see if you're near. Some deep, unexplained fear within her keeps her from ever looking back. When you finally match her speed, get her to slow down to your pace. You can do it, if you hold her hand tightly and never let it go. Though Mercurial north winds drive her on, secretly she may long to rest awhile more than you know. Do hurry and try to reach her. She needs you.

"I could tell you my adventures- beginning from this morning-"

"At least I knew who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."

Being in love gives you a nice sense of warm security. There's that heavenly comfort of always knowing some­one. is going to be there when you need him-that you no longer walk alone. All the doubts you knew before just melt away. That is, unless you're having a romance with a Mercury man, which might take the edge off that "warm security." In fact, you'll adjust much better to a Gemini if you send him out for a loaf of bread on Monday and don't expect him back until Thursday. Never look for him until you see him coming-and don't hang onto his coat-tails when he wants to leave.

Once you've schooled yourself to accept his restless, un­predictable spirit, there's a good chance of making it work. But not if you're going to insist on "that heavenly conafort of always knowing someone is going to be there." Yom'll probably never know for sure when this man is going to be anywhere, and that can bring back some of those doubts romance is supposed to melt away. It's true that when you're in love with a Gemini, you won't walk alome. You most certainly won't. You'll have at least two people to walk with you-and both of them will be him. He was born under the sign of the twins, you know. In his case, they're never identical twins. The dual nature of Germini combines two completely different personalities. Yom might even be involved with one of those Mercury mem who are triplets or quintuplets, and if so, you have quilte a crowd to keep you company, even. when you're alone with him.

The typical Gemini is the favorite of every hostess. He likes people. The more the merrier. It's a rare Geminian who's not a perfectly delightful conversationalist. He has exquisite taste, he's loaded with witty remarks, and his com­pliments are masterpieces of warm sincerity. Usually a master of impeccable manners and social adroitness, he keeps the party moving in more ways than one.

You know those scavenger hunts, where people pair off with a list of whacky items to collect, like a hair from the head of a famous movie star and a piece of the blotter on the desk of the chief of police, and the couple which has rounded up the most items on the list gets the prize? It's the Gemini's favorite kind of party, because it combines the highest possible exposure to people of all kinds with the highest possible opportunity to move around from place to place-and he seeks both.

If you meet him first at a social affair where he's per­forming his fascinating multiple personality act, you haven't a chance. You'll be convinced he's the most ex­citing, interesting, intelligent man you've ever come across. No one could quarrel with that analysis. He probably is. It's no wonder you're excited and impressed. But before you let him change your name, be sure you're capable of 'tackling an uncertain future with a man whose whims may change with the wind, and whose goals in life may shift drastically before the honeymoon is even over. Geminian Walt Whitman once wrote the lines: "Do I con­tradict myself? ... I contain multitudes." Whether he realized it or not, he was summing up the Mercury nature.

One day your Gemini man may call on you with a chattering monkey perched on his shoulder and suggest going to a flea circus. He'll bring you flowers, perfume, a phonograph record or a couple of books, maybe even one he wrote himself. The hours will speed by as you happily sun yourself in his cheerful disposition, laugh at his bright, ;lever jokes and melt under his gay, gallant charm. He'll ay "I love you," a hundred different ways, like no one ilse in the world could do.

The next day, he'll phone you and break a date for no iarthly reason whatsoever, causing you to imagine all sorts of things. Was he only joking about loving you? Is he ' ;eing someone else? Is he in trouble? Your fears may be "ue. Then again, they may be false. A week later, he'll sappear, full of sarcastic remarks, moody and irritable.

He'll be impatient, critical and petulant. He may criticize your shoes, your lipstick or your literary taste, and have some pretty cutting doubts about the possibility of your happiness together. Either all this, or he'll be sullen and troubled, his mind far away, distant and aloof. No use asking why, you won't get an answer that makes any sense.

If you survive that experience, a few more days will find you visiting an art gallery, theater, museum, library or opera with your Gemini man, absolutely hypnotized by his knowledge and wide interests. Hell be unusually tender, full of fragile, butterfly dreams and imaginative hopes for tomorrow. Then he'll propose. Like that. Quick as light­ning. You'll forget all the thunder and storm clouds, all the rain that fell before, say "yes," before he changes his mind-and there you are-engaged to an enigma.

Yes, I said enigma. If you expect anything else, like a man who's stable and patient, who will gently play Darby to your Joan while life and love glide on as smoothly as a gondola down a romantic canal in Venice, you're headed in the same direction as a merry-go-round. In circles. Get off fast and never mind about grabbing the brass ring. Don't let the gay, light-hearted music seduce you into following a painted scene of constantly changing colors, with shades of dreary gray as likely to show up as sunny yellow or blissful blue. If you're an incurable romantic, seeking perfect harmony, you're in more than a little danger.

No matter what the rest of his natal chart says, if the Sun was in Gemini when he was born, this man will not remain tomorrow what he is today, nor will he have any lasting memory of yesterday. In one way or another, he will change. Granted, the changes may always be for the better and he may.consistently aim higher. But the element of chance is always there. If you're a gambler, you may very well hit the jackpot with him, and find a glorious mental and emotional compatibility to celebrate on your golden wedding anniversary. But all good gamblers know the odds before they place their bet. Just be sure you do. Two rare exceptions to Geminian instability of purpose seem to be President Kennedy and England's Queen Vic­toria. However, keep in mind that John Kennedy had, at all times a multitude of interests, which changed constantly, and Queen Victoria (who was very close to being a Taurus by planetary position) brought about a great many important changes in her country's customs. Anyway, very few of us marry kings, queens or presidents, who have been forced by circumstances to mature and Settle into a set pattern.

An excellent example of Geminian duality of expression is the confession of a woman who was exposed to it. The Mercury-ruled man was a producer, and the woman was a famous, dark-haired Pisces actress. After a weekend party with friends as the guest of the Gemini on his boat, during which he was openly insulting, rude and aloof to her, by turns, the actress was dismayed and puzzled. Later, she made the remark, "I don't know what's wrong with him. He must hate me. I've never done anything to him, yet he hardly spoke a word to me all weekend." Ah, but don't you see, she had done something to him. She had made him fall in love with her. The emotion was serious enough for him to marry her soon after the incident. But how did he react to his first knowledge of a feeling of tenderness toward her? As though she were Lucretia Borgia.

Her experience probably won't keep you from leaping into a romance with a Mercury man. Still, it might soothe the wounds of a few of you girls who have been suffering from the cold actions of a Gemini who's probably help­lessly in love with you and cleverly concealing it for his own, unfathomable reasons. Geminis have an unconscious urge to disguise their true intent, to fence with others verbally and cloak their motives with dual actions. In general, they seek to confuse you. Then with true Geminian inconsistency, they'll turn right around and be so direct, they'll fairly take your breath away with their frankness and bluntness.

Loving a Gemini is easy and fun, if you don't try to get too close. There's a inner core that belongs only to him, that he'll never share with another human being, even you. Keep things cool and light, and don't be overly passionate or dramatic. Don't bore him, always excite him and your Gemini romance can be very special. Don't rebel against his changeability. Change with him. Be as alert and inter­ested in life as he is. Otherwise, the love affair could become just one of those things. He seeks a mental com­panion above all else. One who can match his wits, even top him now and then, because he's not an egotist. He's a realist, and he thrives on mental challenge. The last thing he wants is a doormat or a dull mouse. Let your brain show through, your feminine image. It won't scare him off, as it might some men. It will spin him around in the right direction-toward you.

Geminis tend to discard old friends for new ones, but not because they're heartless. Their own personalities fluc­tuate and advance so relentlessly, it's only natural for them to seek those who match their interests at the time. Any­where Gemini hangs his hat is home. There's seldom any deep, lasting attachment to old memories, places, people and things. During a long period of loneliness, he can shed some sentimental tears, but it's the loneliness that does it, rather than nostalgia for yesterday. He's gregarious, and he hates-even fears-being alone for extended periods. If you can hit him with the message that you'll be a partner who will always be around, but who won't lean on him nor expect him to lean on you, he'll probably consider signing a long-term contract. But remember those odds. Many Geminis marry more than once, although multiple marriage is more likely to occur when they wed too young than if they wait for maturity. Not every Gemini has two wives, but he'll have two of almost everything else-perhaps two cars, two apartments, two college degrees, two jobs, two dreams, two pets, two razors, two hobbies, two ambitions. He likes to double up.

My good Gemini friend Frank Blair, NBC newsman on the "Today" show, even takes his annual vacation at two separate times during the year. His hobbies? He pilots his own private plane, sails his own boat and plays a mean. game of golf. (I'm not sure, but I think Frank may be one of the triplet Geminis.) He plays two musical instruments, has multiple children, multiple awards and trophies on his office wall at NBC, multiple friends, two shifts at the net­work (one for the "Today" program, another for recording "Emphasis" and special shows), two electric razors in his desk and at least a dozen dreams and plans at a time, which change about every six months. He has just one wife. (He must have a Cancer or Taurus ascendant.) You'll note that he's also in a typically Gemini occupation-broad­casting. Mercury rules communication and news. He cer­tainly has the Gemini charm and manual dexterity. Frank often pours a glass of tomato juice, dictates to his secretary, phones his wife, shaves, and packs his brief case-somehow all at once. Geminis are experts at sleight of hand.

In financial matters, the duality takes over again. A Mercury man may be at first fabulously generous, then abruptly turn miserly. If you average out his twin attitudes, my guess is that the generosity would win, hands down. Gemini has little desire to accumulate either money or knowledge. In each case, he prefers to absorb it, sort it, and give it back improved. He's the communicator whose function is to create ever new, original ideas and serve others through the versatility of his quick, brilliant mental processes.

Will he be faithful to you? In his fashion, yes, he will. There are a thousand answers to that question where Mercury is concerned. He likes to converse and he likes to mix. He's also strangely attractive to women, so there may be occasions for whispers and suspicions. But you can count on this: It's a rare Gemini man whose deeply ingrained sense of fairness will let him be dishonest in his actions if you have faith in him. I mean real faith and real trust. Not the kind that secretly wonders. He'll always be able to sense if you secretly wonder. Mercury minds often intercept your private thoughts as though you were broad­casting them. However, it's not a good idea to expect a Gemini husband to give all females a cold shoulder just because he wears a wedding band. Females are part of the scene, and Gemini must make the scene. If they're around, he'll talk to them-maybe even laugh with them or have a drink with them. It's only natural for Mercury to communi­cate, regardless of the sex of the listener. But that doesn't mean he has to romance them.

It's true that there are lots of Geminians who are just plain, outright promiscuous, yet no matter what you've heard, there's always a cause. To be mistrusted or mis­understood in any area deeply distresses a Mercury man. It frustrates and depresses him, and such an unhappy Gemini can fly here and there, seeking relief from tangled emotions. When he's free from a feeling of mental isola­tion, and has nothing to prove to anyone, he loses the com­pulsion to experiment and take flights of fancy. A woman who has perfect mental harmony with a Gemini need never fear emotional or physical unfaithfulness. That's so true of these men, it's almost a cut and dried rule. But he won't be chained unreasonably. To expect your Gemini not to smile back when someone smiles at him, whether it's a child or an adult, a man or a woman, is to expect the sun not to shine. His cheerful, friendly nature seeks companionship constantly. It could be the conductor on the commuter train or the waitress at the coffee shop around the comer from where he works. Don't try to stifle him. When any­one tries to confine the Gemini's spirit, he can become as elusive and as unpredictable as the wind itself.

With the youngsters, hell be a buddy, but not a dis­ciplinarian, and he'll teach them a lot before they even get to kindergarten. They'll probably love to confide in him, because he'll seldom be shocked or harsh in his judgment. He knows how to love without smothering. The relation­ship between the Gemini and his children is usually very close, but perhaps a bit loose, even though that may sound contradictory. As affectionate, exciting and lively as he is with young people, he may fail to insist that they follow routines, since he dislikes routines so much himself. There's also a tendency to criticize their behavior one day and approve of it the next day, which can confuse them. Although hell manage a good lecture, you'd better expect the spankings and really serious discipline to fall in your department. Gemini fathers tend to spoil their children.

His imagination may run away with him, and cause him to make an occasional statement he can't back up. You'll have to make him see the importance of keeping his word. Regardless of all his good intentions, a few of his quick impulsive promises may be broken. If the children don't tie him down in any way, or keep him from his multiple activities, he'll enjoy them enormously. One word of warn­ing: Although he will seldom punish the children physically, the Gemini proclivity for sudden, stinging, sarcastic speech may cause deep wounds in little hearts or create a hurt which can be remembered for a lifetime. There may also be a reluctance to show affection in the form of kisses and hugs, unless a conscious effort is made to overcome the natural Geminian coolness. Yet, I've known some Gemini parents who seem to give the warmth they can't release to ^adults in abundance to their children. See that the young­sters don't confine him needlessly, don't ask him to babysit unless he obviously wants to, and he'll take to fatherhood nicely, with one child or a dozen.

Jealousy is something you may never have to worry about with a Gemini husband, because possessiveness is not a typical Gemini trait. If suspicion occasionally whispers in his ear, he'll usually brush it away (unless an affliction in the natal chart indicates otherwise). Some degree of jealousy is natural in everyone, of course, but it's normally not exaggerated in a Gemini. Love is not a strictly physical relationship with this man. He hears more, sees more and feels more through his senses than others do, and Mercury helps him record the most delicate impressions vividly. His love has such an airy, elusive quality, it may seem to lack the earthy passion of other Sun signs. But if you're not seeking a wild cave man who will drag you into the woods by the hair, he should be a more than satisfactory lover. He'll speak of his emotions with romantic, imagina­tive phrases, and fill the hunger of your heart with the strange beauty of his idealism.

Remember that the typical emotional coldness of Mer­cury can be warmed considerably if you both hear the same music and dream the same dreams. He must expe­rience a total blending of the mind and the spirit before the physical passions catch up in intensity. That may seem oblique, but it's the only real road to his heart.

You'll have to get used to the word "if." He'll say, "If I loved you, we could . . ." and "If I loved you, there might be . . ." and sometimes never finish the sentence. You may have to listen with your heart and finish it for him. Blot out the word "if." He only uses it as a smoke screen or as a safety precaution. Harsh, critical nagging and continual emotional scenes will surely dull the edge of the fine, sensitive Gemini love. Try to squeeze a puddle of mercury in your hand. What happens? It dissolves immediately into hundreds of sparkling silver balls that quickly escape through your tightly clenched fingers. One Gemini man whose wife thought she knew him very well wrote the fol­lowing lines just before he left her, and she found them among his papers after the divorce:

"Into the dream you came

And across the soft carpet of my reverie you walked

With hobnail boots ..."

You'll often read or hear it said that Geminis must always have two loves at once. This Gemini duality, hinting at deception, is so frequently mentioned, it may cause unfounded anxiety. May I modify that description? A Gemini needs two loves. Not necessarily two women. That's a riddle. If you truly understand him, youll know the answer to it.

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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Ko, jel ja? Smiley
Moguce da mi se mozak zaledio u ovoj sobi, ali... nakon ovoga procitanog... meni u stvari nista nije jasno Smiley
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Da, da, vas dvojica  Smiley
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Ja, on, on ili on?
Salim se, hvala za trud, iskreno... prilicno sam ozbiljno razmisljao nakon ovoga...
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Poruke 626
Nema na cemu. Inace moja draga je DUPLI Blizanac. Kakva je to zurka, kad nas petoro krenemo da se zezamo...
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Poruke 626
O cemu si tacno razmisljao, ako nije tajna? Blizanci su jako dobro opisani u ovim textovima. Da li si se nasao u njima bar malo?
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Ja nisam dupli, u tekstu ima nesto stvari koje su tacne, ima dosta stvari koje i nisu, ali ja se i onako cesce pronalazim u opisima podznaka nego znaka. Inace... razmisljao sam o kraju tvog teksta.
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Pa dobro, nemorate vi bas sve znati o meni, zar ne? Smiley
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Ali, mi hocemoooooo! Reci nam bar nesto... Smile
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Recimo da smatram da sam jako inteligentan i talentovan za jako puno stvari... to je i dokazano nekoliko puta ali da to bas nisam najbolje iskoristio.
Nije da sam egoista, nego.. eto... kazu ljudi... testovi... brojke... slova
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Poruke 626
O.K., ali, mislim, ti imas tek 18. godina. Plenty of time for you, man. Smiley
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Yes yes... ima tu istine... ali... [uvek ima ali] no, uzivajte Smiley
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Poruke 2012
Fino... Sad nadjite nesto i za jarceve...
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Pol Muškarac
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Apple iPhone 6s
To kad i vi budete main admini Smiley
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