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Pol Muškarac
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Jbg, sudiji se ucinilo da je Bilja u ofsajdu pa mahao... istina, niko nije bio, ali valjda nam se sada vraca za Raulov gol iz ofsajda u Madridu, ili za Fenerbahce, ili... da ne idem dalje.....  :mrgreen:

Sta reci, svaka cast momcima, apsolutno svima koji su bili u protokolu, najvise naravno Stanojevicu...  =D>

Moram da istaknem ipak neke od igraca, 1. Kleo - ne treba komentar, hvala ti Boze, Adzicu / Bunjo - ne zanima me ko ga je doveo, hvala svima u Zvezdi, i Ranku Stojicu itd...  :chuckel:   :P  :P  :P
Dalje - Krstajic, Jovanovic odlicni, iskreno, jeste da smo primili 2 gola ali cini mi se da su perfektno odradili svoj posao, Lazevski takodje, Smiljanic isto odlicno odigrao, Stevanovic odlican u defanzivi, napad i one izgubljene lopte u dodavanju -  :[5]:  ali jbg, sve u svemu dobro je!

Dosao je Kamara, doci ce jos neko, polako, sto kaze Sale - ima igraca koji su se kasnije prikljucili, menjala se ekipa iz utakmice u utakmicu, ima vremena, dizace se forma jos i necemo se obrukati u grupi sigurno, pa sta bude, sad je opusteno... ;)

Hvala ti, hvala ti, crno-bela ljubavi...
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Zodijak Aquarius
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HTC najskuplji
да је Пера отишао право у полицијску станицу све ово се наравно не би  догодило..

да исти овај судија није свирао офсајд Богуну порив Фенера ово би нам било тереће учешће. ако иоле пратиш фудбал знаш какво нас суђење прати кроз Европске утакмице. онда ти не би кењао него би скапирао да смо синоћ МИ имали фер суђење, другим речима боли ме кур*ц какво је суђење било према Белгијанцима, моја консастација је да НАМА судија није сецкао игру, свирао неке бзвз фаулове итд.. изделио нам је 6 картона, од тога три у 10 минута што је опет променило ритам утакмице. од 55. минута они су играли а ми смо стали , што је дефинитивно последица картона

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ОТАЏБИНО МОЈА бранићу те пушком... кад останем без муниције ... бранићу те бајонетом ... кад ми сломе бајонет... бранићу те рукама... кад ми сломе руке... бранићу те зубима... када ми сломе зубе и смртно ране... пашћу им на пут... да им и мртав сметам!!! KOСОВО ЈЕ СРЦЕ СРБИЈЕ !!!

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Zodijak Cancer
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Откуд вам инспирација да серете рано јутрос?

Нанананана Лига Шампиона...

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Пази само овај текст са Гол.ком.... Ја видео солидан наслов, па помислих да ћу нешто паметно прочитати... Кад оно прича о крађи и пеналима  :P :P

Champions League Comment: Where Did It All Go Wrong For Anderlecht?

The Belgian champions are left to reflect on yet another failure to dine at Europe's top table...

It's tempting to lapse into a diatribe of how video technology or rather the lack thereof must not be allowed to determine the outcome of events however the highly questionable decision from the Scottish officials not to award Romelu Lukaku his second, and Anderlecht's third goal, is only one of several plausible reasons as to why Belgium's finest somehow failed to make the group stages.

That fateful incident occurred fifteen minutes before the end of normal time and was the culmination of a sustained period of pressure from Les Mauves Et Blancs. Matias Suarez worked an opening on the right-hand side of the Partizan box and squared the ball towards Lukaku. The giant Antwerpen-born striker shrugged off an earlier miss to tap home into the empty net. A debate over technology could last forever however probing questions must be asked of the assistant referee, who blundered despite being directly in line with the incident.

Others will point to the poorly conditioned penalty spot, which dug up and made life particularly difficult for penalty takers. Hardly what any footballer needs in the knowledge that one missed kick could cost his side a €15 million jackpot. The farcical nature of the penalty contest evoked memories of England's defeat to Portugal at the Estadio Da Luz in the quarter-finals of Euro 2004. However as Anderlecht's coach Ariel Jacobs graciously pointed out, it was the same for both sides. Credit must go to Partizan for keeping their nerve and not allowing the pitch conditions to affect them. Perhaps though it helped that the Serbs were fortunate in the first place to still be in the contest.

The final miss of Anderlecht's three in the shoot-out was courtesy of Mbark Boussoufa, a player who has continually amazed and astounded defenders, coaches and supporters alike as he weaves a web of magic around the Jupiler Pro League. Having witnessed him in the flesh as he tore an admittedly hapless AFC Tubize team to shreds two seasons ago, it immediately occurred to me that here was a talent capable of gracing the highest stage. Yet in this vital encounter, he quite simply froze. No lame excuses, no injury concerns - Ramadan will not wash either - he simply did not deliver the goods. We rarely, if ever, saw the thrilling bursts of pace, the daring shots on goal, the aura of absolute confidence that only a player in complete command of his game can carry. Had he shown the drive and the mental fortitude of 17-year old Romelu Lukaku, who showed a strength of character beyond his tender years, there would be mass celebrations now in the Belgian capital.

And that brings me to the crux of the matter. The pressure got to an Anderlecht side of whom so much was expected, even on the part of their opponents. A side with a rich history of European tradition who lord over their domestic league, their desired presence in the group stages is just what sought Michel Platini to push through his reforms of the competition. Yet Anderlecht failed to cope with the weight of expectation, both from a sporting and financial perspective. It's not a wholly invalid argument that they don't face top-class opposition regularly enough, however that has not prevented Basel and Hapoel Tel Aviv from taking their place in Friday's draw. Nor has it prevented Partizan.
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Pol Muškarac
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онда ти не би кењао него би скапирао да смо синоћ МИ имали фер суђење, другим речима боли ме кур*ц какво је суђење било према Белгијанцима, моја консастација је да НАМА судија није сецкао игру, свирао неке бзвз фаулове итд.. изделио нам је 6 картона, од тога три у 10 минута што је опет променило ритам утакмице. од 55. минута они су играли а ми смо стали , што је дефинитивно последица картона

Bilo je jos sigurno 3,4 prilike da podeli cist zuti karton a pri tom najmanje dva crvena, ponistio je gol cist kao suza za andarleht osim toga sudio je korektno  :mrgreen:

Prvi put je zajebo stvar ali sada je pomogao i to lepo....
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