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Tema: Fudbal: Brazil - Campeonato Brasileiro  (Pročitano 71600 puta)
Veteran foruma
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 10671
Zastava Novi Beograd
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox
Subota 26. maj:

America RN 0 - 1 Figueirense
19'      P.d.L. Henrique

Corinthians   0 - 0   Atletico Mineiro

Fluminense 3 - 0 Internacional
36'   [1 - 0]   T. Neves       
49'   [2 - 0]   R.d.S. Mauro       
57'   [3 - 0]   R. Tiui    

Nedelja 27. maj:

 21:00  Atletico Paranaense - Santos
 21:00   Gremio - Sport Recife
 21:00   Nautico - Vasco  (TV Košava)
 21:00   Sao Paulo - Palmeiras
 23:10   Cruzeiro - Parana
 23:10   Flamengo - Botafogo
 23:10   Goias - Juventude
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
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bem ti korintijas.. 0:0..
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 10671
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Mozilla Firefox
Săo Paulo  vs.  Palmeiras

Veliki derbi koji se igra danas na Morumbiju izmedju Sao Paola i Palmeirasa je 278 po redu. Iako je tek treca runda, nesumnjivo je bitan mec za oba tima. Sao Paolo je imao velike ambicije na tri fronta, ali posle losih igara i ispadanja iz Copa Libertatores, i loseg rezultata u drzavnom prvenstvu ostalo je samo Brasiliero da se vade, mada ni tu nisu poceli mnogo dobro jer su u prva dva meca imali polovican ucinak od pobede i poraza. Palmeiras nema veliki tim kao Sao Paolo, ni veliki broj igraca, ali pobrali su aplauze na pocetku sampionata sjajnom igrom i rezultatima.

Igraci i trener Palmeirasa dobro znaju koliki je sad pritisak na Sao Paolu i sve ce uciniti da pobede na ovom velikom derbiju, ne bi li jos vise zakopali svog rivala. Trener Caio Júnior je izjavio da je Sao Paolo sampion i da ih treba postovati, ali nikako se ne sme desiti da ih se treba bojati. Caio Júnior ce moci da racuna na sve raspolozive igrace.

Sao Paolo je favorit u ovom mecu, ali igraci su mnogo tihi u medijima ove nedelje. Cini se kao da se koncentrisu na mec i da ce konacno pokazati svoju pravu snagu. Trener Muricy Ramalho nece racunati na ovom mecu na napadaca Aloisia, pa ce u napadu igrati Borges i Dagoberto. Najverovatnija formacije je 3-5-2 danas.

Vrlo vazna stavka u ovakvim mecevima je i h2h koji je debelo na strani Sao Paola, 12-4-4 od sezone 2000/2001, dok je na Morumbiju bilo 7-2-1 za Sao Paolo.

Najavljeni sastavi:
SĂO PAULO: Rogério Ceni; Alex Silva, Miranda e André Dias; Ilsinho, Josué, Hernanes, Hugo e Jorge Wagner; Dagoberto e Borges
Técnico: Muricy Ramalho

PALMEIRAS: Diego Cavalieri; Paulo Sérgio, David, Dininho e Leandro; Pierre, Martinez, Michael e Valdívia; Edmundo e Florentín
Técnico: Caio Júnior

Atlético-PR  vs.  Santos

Santos protiv lidera danas igrace sa mixed sastavom iako je trener Luxemburgo najavio da moraju da osvajaju i bodove u sampionatu, sumnjam da ce previse rizikovati posto ga ceka vazna utakmica u Copa Libertadores.

Atl PR bez vaznijih izostanaka i pokusace da nastave impresivan niz koji imaju do sad.

Najavljeni sastavi:
ATLÉTICO-PR: Guilherme; Jancarlos, Danilo, Marcăo e Nei; Erandir, Alan Bahia, Evandro e Ferreira; Alex Mineiro e Dęnis Marques
Técnico: Oswaldo Alvarez

SANTOS: Fábio Costa; Alessandro, Marcelo, Ávalos (Leonardo) e Carlinhos; Adriano , Rodrigo Souto, Rodrigo Tabata e Pedrinho; Marcos Aurélio e Jonas
Técnico: Wanderley Luxemburgo

Izvor: BetAdvice
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Veteran foruma
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 10671
Zastava Novi Beograd
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox
Nedelja 27. maj:

Atletico Paranaense [0 - 1] Santos
16'      B.R. Tabata

Gremio [1 - 0] Sport Recife
2'   C.E.D. Lopes (o.g.)

Nautico [2 - 2] Vasco
25'   [0 - 1]      P.M.e. Jorginho    
49'   [1 - 1]   Marcel       
60'   [2 - 1]   C.L.D.S. Cris       
83'   [2 - 2]      P.M.e. Jorginho    

Sao Paulo   0 - 0   Palmeiras

Cruzeiro [3 - 4] Parana
43'   [1 - 0]   G.M. Artur       
45'   [1 - 1]      S.D.S. Joelson    
59'   [1 - 2]      R. Josiel    
67'   [2 - 2]   R.M. Antoneli       
73'   [3 - 2]   G.M. Artur       
80'   [3 - 3]      R. Josiel    
81'   [3 - 4]      C.S. Everton

Flamengo [2 - 2] Botafogo
17'   [0 - 1]      d.S.L. Flávio    
40'   [1 - 1]   L. Moura       
44'   [1 - 2]      L.R. Dodo    
76'   [2 - 2]   L.D.S.P. Sergio

Goias [3 - 1] Juventude
4'   [1 - 0]   S.d.M. Welliton       
48'   [1 - 1]      D.S.e.S. Cristiano    
53'   [2 - 1]   P. Baier       
61'   [3 - 1]   S.d.M. Welliton    
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Everything that has a begining, has an end

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1631
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 6.0
Subota 9. jun: 

18:10h Nautico - Parana
18:10h Palmeiras - Botafogo
18:10h Vasco - Gremio

Nedelja 10. jun: 

16:00h America RN - Corinthians
16:00h Atletico Paranaense - Goias
16:00h Figueirense - Flamengo
16:00h Fluminense - Sport Recife
18:10h Cruzeiro - Juventude
18:10h Internacional - Santos
18:10h Sao Paulo - Atletico Mineiro
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"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice...I leave to you..."

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Everything that has a begining, has an end

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1631
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 6.0
Subota 9. jun:

Nautico [4 - 4] Parana
10' [0 - 1]  Neguette   
11' [0 - 2]  Vandinho   
16' [0 - 3]  Josiel   
28' [1 - 3] Marcel   
47' [2 - 3] Felipe   
58' [2 - 4]  Josiel   
81' [3 - 4] Acosta   
83' [4 - 4] Acosta 

Palmeiras [1 - 1] Botafogo
34' [1 - 0] Sérgio   
73' [1 - 1]  Lima 

Vasco [4 - 0] Gremio
15' [1 - 0] Romario   
42' [2 - 0] Dias   
45' [3 - 0] Romario   
64' [4 - 0] Abedi 

Nedelja 10. jun:

America RN [1 - 2] Corinthians
23' [1 - 0] Sena   
54' [1 - 1]  Marcelo   
75' [1 - 2]  Finazzi 

Atletico Paranaense [0 - 3] Goias
23' [0 - 1]  Paulo   
27' [0 - 2]  Welliton   
88' [0 - 3]  Menezes 

Figueirense [4 - 0] Flamengo
12' [1 - 0] J. Carlos   
33' [2 - 0] Silva   
36' [3 - 0] Simoes   
57' [4 - 0] Silva (pen) 

Fluminense [3 - 0] Sport Recife
40' [1 - 0] Dias   
70' [2 - 0] Tiuí   
86' [3 - 0] Cícero 

Cruzeiro [2 - 3] Juventude
19' [1 - 0] Roni   
37' [1 - 1]  Beto   
40' [1 - 2]  Marco   
81' [1 - 3]  Eber   
89' [2 - 3] Roni 

Sao Paulo [0 - 1] Atletico Mineiro
Henrique 81' 

Internacional [1 - 0] Santos
Pato 42' 
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"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice...I leave to you..."

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Everything that has a begining, has an end

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1631
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 6.0
Cetvrtak 14. jun: 

20:30h Botafogo - Vasco

Subota 16. jun: 

18:10h Corinthians - Parana
18:10h Flamengo - Internacional
18:10h Gremio - Cruzeiro

Nedelja 17. jun: 

16:00h Atletico Mineiro - Figueirense
16:00h Atletico Paranaense - Fluminense
16:00h Goias - Palmeiras
16:00h Sao Paulo - Vasco
18:10h Botafogo - Nautico
18:10h Juventude - Santos
18:10h Sport Recife - America RN
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"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice...I leave to you..."

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Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 3660
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 7.0
napred Flamengo  =D> :!:
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Jedan jedini Ronaldo, jedna jedina neponovljiva karijera, igrac koji  je uvek odusevljavao, covek koji je vecito bio uporan ali stavio je tacku na nesto fenomenalno. Neka mu je sa srecom u penziji. =D>
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Everything that has a begining, has an end

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1631
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 6.0
Botafogo [4 - 0] Vasco
 3' [1 - 0] Dodo   
17' [2 - 0] Juninho   
48' [3 - 0] Leandro   
57' [4 - 0] Dodo 

Corinthians [0 - 0] Parana

Flamengo [2 - 2] Internacional
65' [0 - 1]  Alex   
77' [1 - 1] Angelim   
87' [1 - 2]  Adriano   
90' [2 - 2] Maldonado 

Gremio [0 - 2] Cruzeiro
18' [0 - 1]  Charles   
72' [0 - 2]  Leandro 

Atletico Mineiro [4 - 1] Figueirense
15' [1 - 0] Danilinho   
18' [2 - 0] Luis   
32' [3 - 0] Diogo (o.g.)   
61' [3 - 1]  Fernandes   
70' [4 - 1] Paulo 

Atletico Paranaense [1 - 1] Fluminense
10' [1 - 0] Denis   
71' [1 - 1]  Thiago 

Goias [3 - 1] Palmeiras
 7' [1 - 0] Leonardo   
11' [2 - 0] Amaral   
74' [2 - 1]  Caio   
83' [3 - 1] Wendell 

Sao Paulo [2 - 0] Vasco
 2' [1 - 0] Borges   
23' [2 - 0] Borges 

Botafogo [3 - 1] Nautico
24' [1 - 0] Juninho   
55' [1 - 1]  Alex (o.g.)   
76' [2 - 1] Lima   
78' [3 - 1] Henrique 

Juventude [0 - 2] Santos
 1' [0 - 1]  Santana   
31' [0 - 2]  Aurelio 

Sport Recife [2 - 2] America RN
13' [0 - 1]  Dias   
22' [1 - 1] Severino   
32' [1 - 2]  Dias   
68' [2 - 2] Bala 
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"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice...I leave to you..."

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Zvezda u usponu

Everything that has a begining, has an end

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1631
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 6.0
Subota 23. jun: 

18:10h Botafogo - Corinthians
18:10h Juventude - Figueirense

Nedelja 24. jun: 

16:00h America RN - Fluminense
16:00h Cruzeiro - Atletico Mineiro
16:00h Palmeiras - Atletico Paranaense
16:00h Santos - Sao Paulo
18:10h Internacional - Gremio
18:10h Nautico - Goias
18:10h Parana - Sport Recife
18:10h Vasco - Flamengo
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"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice...I leave to you..."

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