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Tema: Football Manager 2013  (Pročitano 159431 puta)
06. Sep 2012, 15:21:58
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Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 45679
Opera 12.02
Football Manager 2013: Key new features revealed

New director of football options; Renovated online services; Tax policies added to transfer drama

ondon studio Sports Interactive has lifted the lid on its Football Manager 2013 project, revealing a host of new features and enhancements.

 Publisher Sega said that the annual update boasts "more than 900" additions from the previous release, Football Manager 2012.

Central to the new offering is Football Manager Classic - a streamlined edition for the time-poor, with its own set of features and challenges and a microtransactions model. More on that can be found here.

Sports Interactive studio director Miles Jacobson said that the 'lite' Classic version will be an alternative to the deeper and richer features of the 'full-fat' FM13 career mode.

Kay enhancements of Football Manager 2013 include:
An improved 3D match engine
New staff roles (including director of football)
Enhanced media interaction
New online functionality and global management leaderboards
National tax policy (for transfers)
Deeper training options
Renovated user interface

Further details on these features can be found below. A breakdown of Football Manager Classic's additions can be found here.

"I would like to stress to our many, many fans around the world that the introduction of Football Manager Classic will not impact in any way on the game that they've come to know and love," said Jacobson.

"For those who still want the full, 'hands-on' experience, FM13 offers exactly what they're looking for - a bigger, better and even more immersive version of the world's greatest football management simulation."

The game is due for release on PC and Mac (Steam) before Christmas 2012, Sega said.
New Features explained
Improved 3D match engine

Sports Interactive has again worked on visual fidelity for its 3D match engine, with a focus on making stadiums, crowds and animations more realistic. The camera system has also undergone a revamp to make it more "televisual". Sports Interactive said that new AI tech will improve the believability of footage on screen.
New staff roles

The key addition is a Director of Football who can (if necessary) assume control of some managerial duties, such as contract negotiations. Sports Interactive has not confirmed any further details but one key gameplay element could be maintaining a working relationship with the Director of Football. Meanwhile, the number of specialist coaches has increased, giving the player greater flexibility to choose which coaches to seek advice from and when to do this.
Improved media interaction

Sports Interactive says it has again revamped the media interviews segment of the game. Managers can adopt different tones to provide additional context to their responses.
Online games and global leaderboards

The multiplayer segment of the game will utilise Steam system's network functionality, allowing players to establish online games more fluidly. New league and cup options are added to the career mode for online play. One mode allows players to take a player's team, developed in their single-player game, and test it against other players online.

Worldwide leaderboards allows players to compare their achievements against others'. Sports Interactive says that the leaderboards "use a sophisticated scoring system that takes into account a variety of factors including the level a manager chooses to compete at, his or her club's financial performance and even their in-game wages - making the new manager contract negotiation feature a really important addition to the game".
Enhanced training

More options for team training are available, all displayed through a simplified overview panel. "Managers can now choose where they want to focus their team's training, whether that is on more general routines or in preparing for specific matches," Sports Interactive said.
Realistic tax regimes

Transfer negotiations will be made even more dramatically complex with some footballers preferring to sign for clubs with better tax rates on transfers.


FM 2013: 'Lite' mode streamlines play, adds microtransactions

The next instalment in the Football Manger series will include a new Classic mode - a 'lite' version of Football Manager for those with less time to engage in the game.

Sports Interactive studio manager Miles Jacobson

 Publisher Sega said the new Football Manager 2013 "marks a seismic shift" in the development of the series.

Football Manager Classic - bundled for free - will allow full seasons to be played out in less than ten hours, marking a significant decrease from the full version of the game. It also includes various arcade-style challenges as well as a new microtransactions model.

For all the new details of the 'full-fat' Football Manager 2013, go here.

Within Classic mode, players also have the option to select a number of challenges designed to test their management skills. Players can join clubs mid-season in a bid to pull them out from danger of relegation, or to push a mid-table team for European qualification.

Classic mode adds various 'unlockable' features that can ease the difficulty of the game. Players can remove the need for work permits, for example, or add cash to their transfer budgets.

This is where Football Manager adds in a new microtransactions model, with players allowed to either earn the features or pay for them themselves.

"The introduction of Football Manager Classic is a major step forward in Football Manager's evolution," said Sports Interactive studio director Miles Jacobson.

"In recent years it's become clear that there's a large group of people who would like to play Football Manager, but simply can't devote the time required to get the most out of the game - in fact, now that they have families and other commitments, even some members of the SI team have found themselves in this position.

"We decided, therefore, to try to find a way to accommodate players with limited free time, without significantly diluting the experience. We believe that FMC achieves this beautifully.

"I would, however, like to stress to our many, many fans around the world that the introduction of FMC will not impact in any way on the game that they've come to know and love. For those who still want the full, 'hands-on' experience, FM13 offers exactly what they're looking for - a bigger, better and even more immersive version of the world's greatest football management simulation."



Za sada samo najava, a trebalo bi da izadje pre katolickog Bozica tj. oko sredine decembra. Po ovome sto pisu, ubacuju nove opcije kao i uvek ali promenice malo igru pa cemo osim klasicnog igranja imati "Challendge mode" gde cete dobiti "misiju" (npr. da klub iz sredine tabele preuzmete na polusezoni i plasirate se u Evropu) i mocicete igrati tako. Sto se mene tice, svidja mi se.  Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 06. Sep 2012, 15:23:22 od marko 284 »
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"Oni koji su vešti u borbi, ne obuzme ih bes. Oni koji su vešti u pobedi, ne obuzme ih strah.
 Zato mudri pobeđuju pre borbe, dok se neznalice bore da bi pobedili"
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 17305
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.21
Sto znaci da "narodna" verzija nece biti pre 2013-e...

Back to FM 12... Smile
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Calmly.. walk down the road.. and into your death..
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Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 45679
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Opera 12.02
Pa otprilike tako.  Smile

Ocekivao sam ranije(proslo izdanje je bilo vec oktobra) ali ce izgleda kasniti malo zbog ubacivanja tih modova i zajebancija oko toga.
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"Oni koji su vešti u borbi, ne obuzme ih bes. Oni koji su vešti u pobedi, ne obuzme ih strah.
 Zato mudri pobeđuju pre borbe, dok se neznalice bore da bi pobedili"
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Blejac u kraju!

Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
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Zastava Vozdovac
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Chrome 21.0.1180.89
Samsung SGH-E590
To sto on kaze to nije istina! Smile
Ima da izadje od 20.10. do 15.11. Smile
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Realnost je iluzija koja nastaje usled nedostatka alkohola.
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Ucesnik diskusija

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 111
Windows 7
Chrome 21.0.1180.89
Samsung Galaxy Fit
To sto on kaze to nije istina! Smile
Ima da izadje od 20.10. do 15.11. Smile

i ja mislim isto. Nema teorije da ce "narodna" verzija biti u 2013 toj... ona izlazi nedelju dana posle originala tj. vrlo brzo Smile
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Нема предаје повлачења ко хоће да га памте

Zodijak Sagittarius
Poruke 24714
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Opera 11.62
Narodna verzija ume da izađe i pre originala, da se ne lažemo Smile

Ma ne verujem da će tako kasno pustiti... prošle godine je praktično mesec dana posle starta svih sezona izašla... mada su umeli da je puste baš tu oko decembra...

Kako god, sumnjam da će to biti tako kasno.

Ajd od ovih što su čitali tekst nek izbace ono najvažnije što će ubacivati, sem tog čelendž moda.
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I have something more important than courage.
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Чувајте Љубав !

Pol Muškarac
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Zastava Босна
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Nova sezona mlaćenja prazne slame.  Smile
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 17305
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.21
To sto on kaze to nije istina! Smile
Ima da izadje od 20.10. do 15.11. Smile

i ja mislim isto. Nema teorije da ce "narodna" verzija biti u 2013 toj... ona izlazi nedelju dana posle originala tj. vrlo brzo Smile

Ma da, eno ima vec da se skine...

Razmislite malo...opet preko steama, pa kako je prosli put bilo...a ako je tacno da nisu uspeli da krekuju zadnji patch koji je izasao sa steama, onda znaci da ce im trebati duze vremena nego prosli put.Jos ako izlazi krajem godine kako kazu...videcemo.

Sumnjam da ce to ipak pre 2013-e.
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Calmly.. walk down the road.. and into your death..
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Нема предаје повлачења ко хоће да га памте

Zodijak Sagittarius
Poruke 24714
Windows XP
Opera 11.62
Koji je to očaj jebote. Bolje da preskoče ovu sezonu i izdaju za 2014.
Mnogo mi je to neozbiljno.
« Poslednja izmena: 06. Sep 2012, 19:52:59 od Raća_5 »
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I have something more important than courage.
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Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 45679
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Opera 12.02

Ajd od ovih što su čitali tekst nek izbace ono najvažnije što će ubacivati, sem tog čelendž moda.
Po ovome iz ovog prvog teksta sto sam stavljao(ukratko): bolji 3D endzin, nove pomocnike(kao sto je direktor kluba koji ce moci da se maje sa obnavljanjem ugovora igraca ako ti to ne zelis) i nove specijalne trenere, bolju komunikaciju sa medijima, bolji multiplejer, svetsku listu gde mozes da se uporedjujes sa drugim igracima u svetu na osnovu svega i svacega, vise opcija za treninge, bolji interfejs, realisticnije transfere i pregovaranje sa igracima za ugovor. Ukratko, nesto dodaju na ovo postojece kao i svake godine samo sto dodaju i taj celendz mod.  Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 06. Sep 2012, 22:02:19 od marko 284 »
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"Oni koji su vešti u borbi, ne obuzme ih bes. Oni koji su vešti u pobedi, ne obuzme ih strah.
 Zato mudri pobeđuju pre borbe, dok se neznalice bore da bi pobedili"
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