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Tema: Dream house (2011)  (Pročitano 1824 puta)
07. Dec 2011, 18:38:09
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Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 33603
Zastava Beograd, Mirijevo
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24
HTC Smart

Dream House is a 2011 American thriller film directed by Jim Sheridan and starring Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, and Marton Csokas. It was released on September 30, 2011 in the United States and Canada by Universal Pictures and Morgan Creek Productions to mostly bad reviews and poor box office numbers.


Peter Ward (Daniel Craig) is a mental patient who recently left a psychiatric hospital and then a halfway house. Five years earlier, his wife, Libby, (Rachel Weisz) and daughters Trish and Dee Dee were murdered at their home. During the attack, Peter was shot in the head, and so he has no memories of the murders. Instead, he has created a fantasy world in which his wife and daughters are fine. In his fantasy, he is a successful book publisher named Will Atenton. This is where the movie begins, and the audience is led to believe that Atenton and his family are real, but of course, they are the figments of a mental patient's imagination. Peter moves back to his abandoned old house and lives inside. It is boarded up and unsafe and covered with grafitti, but in Peter's disturbed mind, the house is gorgeous and his wife and kids live there happily.

Peter begins to re-connect with his old neighbors, including Ann Patterson (Naomi Watts). She recognizes Peter as her old neighbor from five years ago and wonders why he is living in an unfit house. She begins to realize that Peter is still insane and that he is imagining that his dead family is alive in the house. He speaks as if everything is normal, and this alarms Ann.

Within Peter's delusion, Trish and Dee Dee start seeing a man watching the house from the front yard, and Will and Libby find evidence that something has happened to the house's previous owners. Will eventually discovers that, years prior, a woman named Elizabeth and her daughters Beatrice and Katherine were murdered, and her husband, Peter Ward, was the main suspect, but was let off because of lack of evidence. Will starts believing that Peter Ward has returned and is stalking his family, and starts searching for more information about him. He doesn't yet realize that he himself is Peter Ward and that Will does not exist.

Will's research leads him to the psychiatric hospital where Peter Ward was committed after being arrested for murdering his family. There, Will discovers that he is Peter Ward, and created a new identity for himself in order to cope with the grief of his family's death. In turn, the audience learns that everything that has occurred up to this point in the movie was just fantasy. He is informed by the doctors that he claimed he was innocent. He returns to his house, which is actually abandoned and decrepit, and converses with the projections of his wife and daughters, who claim that they believe in his innocence.

Peter eventually becomes closer to Ann and her daughter Chloe, and discovers that they were friends of his family. Ann believes in his innocence and encourages Peter to live a new life in order to heal himself. Peter eventually decides to return to his old house to confront his memories and, with Ann's help, realizes that he did not kill his family. It was a local man named Boyce (Elias Koteas), who broke into the house and shot Peter's daughters. During the fight, Elizabeth tried to shoot Boyce and accidentally shot Peter, allowing Boyce to recover the handgun and kill her. Peter was then accused of the murder.

Peter and Ann are suddenly attacked by Boyce and Ann's ex, Jack, who reveals that he had hired Boyce to kill Ann so he could get revenge against her for divorcing him. Boyce got into the wrong house and accidentally killed Peter's family. Jack decides to kill Ann and set the house on fire, framing Peter for her murder, and shoots Boyce as punishment for his early failure. As they try to ignite a fire, Peter escapes, overpowers Jack and saves Ann. Boyce douses Jack in gasoline in revenge for being shot, but Jack shoots him in the head before being consumed by the flames.

While Ann and Chloe reunite, Peter confronts the ghosts of his wife and children, who forgive him and say goodbye. Peter escapes, having finally discovered the truth and gained inner peace.

One year later, Peter has returned to New York City and published a book called Dream House using his real name, Peter Ward, about his recent experiences.


    * Daniel Craig as Will Atenton / Peter Ward
    * Rachel Weisz as Libby Atenton / Elizabeth Ward
    * Naomi Watts as Ann Patterson
    * Marton Csokas as Jack Patterson
    * Claire Geare as Dee Dee Atenton / Katherine Ward
    * Taylor Geare as Trish Atenton / Beatrice Ward
    * Rachel G. Fox as Chloe Patterson
    * Mark Wilson as Dennis Conklin
    * Jonathan Potts as Tony Ferguson
    * Lynne Griffin as Sadie
    * Elias Koteas as Hooded Man / Boyce
    * Gregory Smith as Artie
    * Chris Owens as Tom Barrion
    * Jane Alexander as Dr. Greeley
    * Sarah Gadon as Cindi
    * Marlee Otto as Zara
    * Joe Pingue as Martin
    * David Huband as Officer Nelson
    * James Collins as Police Officer

Izvor: Wikipedia

Изгледа обећавајуће, а глуме и добри глумци. Smile
На основу свега виђеног из трејлера може се закључити да је у питању хорор, иако на ИМДБ пишу неки сасвим други жанрови. Видим да се помиње и лудница, изгледа да је главни лик бивши пацијент па је могуће да је све умислио. Видећемо... Smile

"Kuća iz snova" od sutra u bioskopu

Film "Kuća iz snova" (Dream House) reditelja Džima Šeridana, koji je premijeru imao na "Sinemaniji", od 8. decembra će biti na redovnom repertoaru domaćih bioskopa, najavio je distributer "Sinefest".

Glavne uloge u ovom psihološkom trileru tumače Danijel Krejg (aktuelni Džejms Bond), dobitnica Oskara Rejčel Vajs (Brižni baštovan) i Naomi Vots (nominovana za Oskara u filmu "21 gram").

Rađen po scenariju Dejvida Luke, film prati porodicu koja se useljava u kuću ne znajući da je u njoj počinjeno nekoliko jezivih ubistava, a unutar njenih zidova otkriće još mračnije misterije.

Krejg igra uspešnog pisca Vila Atentona, koji ostavlja posao u Njujorku kako bi se sa suprugom Libi (Vajs) i dvoje dece preselio u svoju kuću iz snova.

Kako započinju nov život, tako otkrivaju da je njihov savršeni dom bio strahovito mesto na kome su ubijeni majka i njena deca i da ceo grad veruje da je to delo supruga koji je preživeo.

Vil počinje da istražuje tragediju i jedini trag ga vodi do En (Vots), komšinice koja je bila bliska sa nastradalom porodicom.

Izvor: B92

Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku (kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)

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