The Witcher 1.3 patch Vesti - Igre | Autor Milan Božičković | 10 april 2008
CD Projekt je izbacio novi patch za jedno od najboljih prošlogodišnjih RPG ostvarenja, The Witcher. Pored ispravaka određenih bagova, 1.3 patch donosi dugo najavljivani D'jinni editor, kao i novu avanturu (Price of Neutrality). The Witcher 1.3 patch možete preuzeti sa ove lokacije .
Medieval 2: Total War Kingdoms Patch Vesti - Igre | Autor Milan Božičković | 10 april 2008
SEGA nam donosi novi patch za Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms. Nova zakrpa donosi dosta ispravki koje su vezane za sam gameplay, kao i bagove koji su obarali igru za vreme učitavanja. Patch težak 116.46MB možeze skinuti sa ove lokacije, dok izmene koje patch donosi, možete pročitati u nastavku teksta.
- Forts in the Crusades campaign are now made of stone. - Fixed various units having incorrect shield values. - Fixed a number of inconsistencies between units' speech and their unit cards. - Fixed deployment zones being in unreachable locations on some river crossings and bridge battles. - Byzantine Gunners are now available to be recruited in the Crusades campaign. - Denmark now has Norwegian units available to them when the Kalmar Union is formed. - The Kingdom of Jerusalem can now construct King's Stables. - Byzantine can now construct a Marksmanship Range. - Mangonels can now be constructed at Siege Works in the Teutonic campaign. - Swordsmiths' Guild Headquarters now gives the correct bonus to Knights trained in the Crusades campaign. - Fixed Lithuanian Arquebusiers firing too frequently. - Fixed various units having incorrect banners on the battle map. - Fixed exploit that allowed certain characters' stats to be raised by repeatedly saving the game. - New Faction Leaders in the Teutonic campaign now have the correct model. - Crusading Nobles can no longer become the Faction Leader in the Teutonic campaign. - Fixed Wales not receiving reinforcements when capturing bordering English settlements. - Requirements of various Apachean units have been reduced allowing them to be more easily obtained. - Fixed the Norwegian banners displaying the Novgorod symbol when out of fog of war. - The Baron's Alliance no longer re-emerges after taking control of England. - Assassination missions targeting Crusading Nobles no longer expire when they are successfully carried out. - Dead wives no longer produce children in the Crusades campaign. - Faction heirs in the Americas campaign have had their loyalty increased to fix them rebelling early in the game. - Players no longer receive incorrect event messages in hotseat games. - Unique models on characters are removed when they change faction. - Fixed the family tree disappearing when a princess is married to General who becomes the Faction Leader. - Fixed Scottish family tree in the Britannia campaign. - Fixed soft-lock that occurred with multiple armies on the battle map. - Fixed crash that occurred when disbanding a unit whilst merging two armies. - Crash after auto-resolving a siege battle from a hotseat save game no longer occurs. - Crash that occurred when loading a battle from the campaign map edge no longer occurs. - Kingdoms no longer crashes when playing battles after unpacking the game's data. - Fixed unique unit recruitment in the Crusades campaign. - Small black rectangles no longer appear on the campaign map. - Improved siege auto-resolve for the Britannia, Crusades and Teutonic campaigns. - Various localisation fixes.
There are also a number of miscellaneous fixes and balance tweaks included.
Savage 2: A Tortured Soul v1.4.3 Patch Vesti - Igre | Autor Milan Božičković | 11 april 2008
S2 Games je izbacio novi patch za Savage 2: A Tortured Soul, koji igru diže na 1.4.3. verziju. Najvažnije ispavke koje novi patch donosi, vezane su za povećanu stabilnost kljenata i servera. Patch možete skinuti preko ingame auto-updatera, dok listu izmena možete pročitati u nastavku teksta
VERSION 1.4.3 ------------- BALANCE: - Spawn portal experience value on kill from 50 to 150 - Max health for spawn portals from 300 to 1200 - Cooldown time on portals from 30 seconds to 60 seconds - Spawn portals can now be used multiple times
FIXES: - Fixed some issues with pathing - Fixed some server and client crashes - Interrupt will no longer damage gadgets or structures - Siege no longer recieves a camera kick when being attacked - Fixed some PNG format clan icons not loading properly - Fixed issues with white unit portraits, messed up health bars and units named "NAME" - Fixed all known issues caused by hosting a local server and then connecting to an online server - Fixed issues with Revenant and Devourer strong attack, they have now been re-enabled
ADDITIONS/CHANGES: - Promotional codes can now be entered during in-game account creation - Map rotation system has been changed, it now plays maps in a linear order, the "weight" has been changed to a percent chance a map will be played (0.75 means 25 percent chance it will skip to the next map in the lineup)
Assasins's Creed Screenovi Vesti - Igre | Autor Nenad Milosavljević | 11 april 2008
Pre nekoliko dana na našem sajtu se pojavila vest o izlazku PC verzije igre Assassin's Creed Director's Cut. Od danas na sajtu možete pogledati screenshotove ove fenomenalne igre iz "prve ruke".
Race Driver: GRID trailer Vesti - Igre | Autor Nenad Milosavljević | 12 april 2008
Izašao je novi trailer za Codemstersovo čedo, Race Driver: GRID. U pitanju je trkačka igra u kojoj ćemo imati prilike da učestvujemo kako u uličnim tako i u trkama na trkačkim stazama, a sve to će se odvijati u karakterističnim okruženjima u Evropi, Americi i Japanu. Igra je planirana u verziji za 3 najaktuelnije platforme, PC, Xbox 360 i PS3.
Sam & Max 205 demo Vesti - Igre | Autor Nenad Milosavljević | 12 april 2008
Demo za petu epizodu druge Sezone serijala Sam & Max je izašao.Epizoda nosi ime What's New Beelzebub, a ovog puta, Sam i Max će se sa samim Djavolom dogovarati oko Boscove duše.
GTA IV novi trailer Vesti - Igre | Autor Nenad Milosavljević | 12 april 2008
Iako je bilo najave da ih više neće biti, izašao je novi trailer za GTA IV. Kao što verovatno znate, PC verzija još uvek nije dobila zvanični datum izlaska, dok verzija za konzole izlazi 29. aprila.
Lepa vest za igrace Team Fortress 2 - konacno je objavljen Payload mod (samim tim i mapa Goldrush) i dodati su najavljeni achievementsi za klasu Medic. Osim toga Medic je dobio tri nova oruzja koja otkljucava za svakih 13 achievementa. Inace uskoro ce i ostale klase dobiti poboljsanja poput Medica.
Povodom velikih novosti stize jos jedna lepa vest a to je da ce TF2 moci besplatno da se igra tokom ovog vikenda! Sve sto treba je da posetite ovaj sajt i kliknete na Preload now dugme (u slucaju da nemate Steam, usput ce biti downloadovan i instaliran). Preporuceno je da downloadujete sto pre kako biste, kada vam igra bude otkljucana u petak, odmah mogli da igrate (TF2 je velik oko 2.5 GB).
A sada changelog: # Added Goldrush # Added Character Info and Loadout to the main menu # Added 39 Medic achievements # Added unique Medic items:
* The Blutsaugher, The Kritzkrieg, and The Ubersaw
# Added new attack animations to most melee weapons # Added new speech for the Heavy and Demoman # Added Stopwatch mode to Tournament mode
* Automatically used on Attack/Defense maps
# Teleporter effect no longer shows up on invisible or disguised Spies # Spies disguised as their own team can now capture control points # Increased force taken by pipebombs by bullets and explosions # Target ID hud is now colored red or blue to match the spectator target # Tournament mode no longer ends matches early if the time limit is nearly up when a new round starts # Fixed exploit where clients could start benchmark mode on servers # Fixed drowning exploit that allowed players to regenerate health # Fixed reload exploit that allowed plays to fire instantly after switching weapons # Fixed flamethrower bug where a player flush against a wall couldn't be lit on fire from the front # Fixed invulnerability overlay not drawing if the invuln player was previously on fire # Fixed "times used" entry in teleporters maxing out at 32 # Fixed rare client crash on level change during control point capturing # Minor fix to stat gathering to prevent players using sv_cheats to easily garner achievements # For mapmakers:
* Mapmakers can now directly place the tf_gamerules entity into their map. Fixes Hammer thinking the inputs to it are broken * Mapmakers can now place Engineer buildings directly into a map, with an option for them to be invulnerable * Added "AddRedTeamScore" and "AddBlueTeamScore" inputs to tf_gamerules * Added "SetRequiredObserverTarget" input to tf_gamerules. Force spectators to use the specified viewpoint
# Granary
* Added setup time logic, and gates to the middle * Fixed an overlay alignment bug on one of blue's gate signs * Minor lighting fixes in red/blue spawns
# 2Fort
* Added medium ammo and health to basement hallways * Added small ammo and health to top of spiral * Fixed a clip brush exploit outside blue sniper deck * Fixed number "2" overlay on front of red base not being assigned to the brush face
X-Blades novi screenovi Vesti - Igre | Autor Miloš Živković | 10 maj 2008
SouthPeak Games je izbacio nekolicinu novih screenshotova iz igre X-Blades, koja je u Rusiji poznata i kao Oniblade. Glavni lik igre X-Blades je heroina po imenu Ayumi. X-Blades će biti izbačen na tržište u toku jeseni tekuće godine, za konzole sledeće generacije i PC. Screenove možete pogledati ovde.