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Darvinova nagrada

High on Life

2006 Darwin Award Nominee
Confirmed True by Darwin

Take a deep breath...

(3 June 2006, Florida) Two more candidates have thrown themselves into the running for a Darwin Award. The feet of Jason and Sara, both 21, were found protruding from a deflated, huge helium advertising balloon. Jason was a college student, and Sara attended community college, but apparently their education had glossed over the importance of oxygen.
The pair pulled down the 8' balloon, and climbed inside. Their last words consisted of high-pitched, incoherent giggling as they slowly passed out and passed into the hereafter.

Sheriff's deputies said the two were not victims of foul play. No drugs or alcohol were found. The medical examiner reported that helium inhalation was a significant factor in their deaths. A family member said "Sara was mischievous, to be honest. She liked fun and it cost her."

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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Neke price koje kruze forumom ne moraju biti istinite. Mogu biti samo tracevi zlih jezika.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

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Darvinova nagrada

Hammer of Doom

2006 Darwin Award Nominee
Confirmed True by Darwin

(August 2006, Brazil) August brings us a winner from Brazil, who tried to disassemble a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) by driving back and forth over it with a car. This technique was ineffective, so he escalated to pounding the RPG with a sledgehammer. The second try worked--in a sense. The explosion proved fatal to one man, six cars, and the repair shop wherein the efforts took place.
14 more RPG grenades were found in a car parked nearby. Police believe the ammunition was being scavenged to sell as scrap metal. If it wasn't scrap then, it certainly is now!

5 Submissions

(2006, Vietnam) In a similar event, a Rolling Stone isn't all that gathers no moss. Three men scavenging for scrap metal found an unexploded 500-pound bomb perched on a hill, and decided to retrieve it with help from Sir Isaac Newton. As they rolled the bomb down the hillside according to the laws of gravity, the bomb detonated, leaving a four-meter crater and sending the three entrepreneurs to a face-to-face meeting with their Maker.

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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Neke price koje kruze forumom ne moraju biti istinite. Mogu biti samo tracevi zlih jezika.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

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Urbana legenda

Gun-Totin' Granny

2000 Urban Legend

(March 2000, Melbourne, Australia) Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot their testicles off!
"The old lady spent a week hunting those bums down -- and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way," said admiring Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp. "Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be: 'Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.'

Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Furth, 33, lost both his penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the seedy hotel room where he and former prison cellmate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up.

The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas' testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. "The one guy, Thomas, didn't lose his manhood, but the doctor I talked to said he won't be using it the way he used to," Detective Delp told reporters. "Both men are still in pretty bad shape, but I think they're just happy to be alive after what they've been through."

The Rambo Granny swung into action after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row.

"When I saw the look on my Debbie's face that night in the hospital, I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself 'cause I figured the police would go easy on them," recalled the retired library worker. "And I wasn't scared of them, either -- because I've got me a gun and I've been shootin' it all my life."

So, using a police artist's sketch of the suspects and Debbie's description of the sickos' car, tough-as-nails Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighborhood where the crime took place till she spotted the ill-fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel.

"I knew it was them the minute I saw 'em, but I shot a picture of 'em anyway and took it back to Debbie and she said sure as hell, it was them," the ornery oldster recalled. "So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door -- and the minute the big one, Furth, opened the door, I shot 'em; got right square between the legs, right where it would really hurt 'em most, you know. Then I went down to the police station and turned myself in."

Now, baffled lawmen are tying to figure out how to deal with the vigilante granny. "What she did was wrong, but you can't really throw an 81-year-old woman in prison." Det. Delp said, "especially when all 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for sainthood."

Daniel Rezmann refutes the veracity of this Urban Legend:
I work for the Office of Public Prosecutions in Melbourne, and thus have access to information on the criminal activities of my fellow Victorians. I checked through our records, and I can say with confidence that neither rapist exists in our records. If they were actually convicted, there is a 100% chance that they would be in our records, as we would have prosecuted them. Furthermore, even a Granny in her 80's would still be prosecuted. Case in point is where one elderly lady was charged with stabbed another to death in a nursing home last year. And finally, I read our newspapers and watch the news programs each night, and I do not recall ever seeing anything about this matter, despite its sensational nature which, if true, would plaster it all over the media.

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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Neke price koje kruze forumom ne moraju biti istinite. Mogu biti samo tracevi zlih jezika.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

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Honnorable mention - Darvinova nagrada


2006 Honorable Mention
Confirmed True by Darwin

(April 2004, California) An adult education teacher gave 25 students an impromptu lesson in safety during his safety class. Using opaque reasoning, Teach figured the 40-mm shell he had found on a hunting trip must be inert. He kept the round and used it as a paperweight on his desk. After all, ordnance is such a unique conversation piece. But more notably, this particular ordnance was the teacher's ticking ticket to fame.

One spring morning, a bug crawled across his desk. Should he squash it with a tissue? Sweep it out the door? Leave it to pursue its happy existence, and continue on with his lesson? No; the teacher picked another alternative. He took up the "inert" artillery shell and slammed it onto the short-lived insect.

The impact set off the primer, and the resulting explosion caused him burns and shrapnel lacerations on his hand, forearm, and torso. No one else in the classroom was hurt. To the teacher's further consolation, his actions did succeed in one respect: the bug was eliminated.
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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Neke price koje kruze forumom ne moraju biti istinite. Mogu biti samo tracevi zlih jezika.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

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Darvinova nagrada

Jet Assisted Take-Off

1995 Darwin Awards Winner
Confirmed Bogus by Darwin

The Arizona Highway Patrol were mystified when they came upon a pile of smoldering wreckage embedded in the side of a cliff rising above the road at the apex of a curve. The metal debris resembled the site of an airplane crash, but it turned out to be the vaporized remains of an automobile. The make of the vehicle was unidentifiable at the scene.

The folks in the lab finally figured out what it was, and pieced together the events that led up to its demise.

It seems that a former Air Force sergeant had somehow got hold of a JATO (Jet Assisted Take-Off) unit. JATO units are solid fuel rockets used to give heavy military transport airplanes an extra push for take-off from short airfields.

Dried desert lakebeds are the location of choice for breaking the world ground vehicle speed record. The sergeant took the JATO unit into the Arizona desert and found a long, straight stretch of road. He attached the JATO unit to his car, jumped in, accelerated to a high speed, and fired off the rocket.

The facts, as best as could be determined, are as follows:

The operator was driving a 1967 Chevy Impala. He ignited the JATO unit approximately 3.9 miles from the crash site. This was established by the location of a prominently scorched and melted strip of asphalt. The vehicle quickly reached a speed of between 250 and 300 mph and continued at that speed, under full power, for an additional 20-25 seconds. The soon-to-be pilot experienced G-forces usually reserved for dog-fighting F-14 jocks under full afterburners.

The Chevy remained on the straight highway for approximately 2.6 miles (15-20 seconds) before the driver applied the brakes, completely melting them, blowing the tires, and leaving thick rubber marks on the road surface. The vehicle then became airborne for an additional 1.3 miles, impacted the cliff face at a height of 125 feet, and left a blackened crater 3 feet deep in the rock.

Most of the driver's remains were not recovered; however, small fragments of bone, teeth, and hair were extracted from the crater, and fingernail and bone shards were removed from a piece of debris believed to be a portion of the steering wheel.

Ironically a still-legible bumper sticker was found, reading
"How do you like my driving? Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT."
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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Neke price koje kruze forumom ne moraju biti istinite. Mogu biti samo tracevi zlih jezika.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

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Urbana legenda

Missionary Miscalculation

1999 Urban Legend

(26 June 1999, New Guinea) Reverend Newton Day, a self-ordained minister of his own Blessed Children Church, left Melbourne, Australia with his wife Pauline and daughters Paulette, Alicia and Sara. The ill-fated Reverend was determined to bring religion to a tribe of satanic cannibals. He dragged his fearful wife and daughters into the jungles of New Guinea. His sister begged him not to risk his babies' lives like that. "But he said the cannibals would love his kids, and that would make his job even easier."   As it turned out the Reverend Newton Day guessed wrong. The Tuoari tribesmen promptly ate the Reverend Day his wife and his three daughters. Concerned locals said, "We tried to tell him that Tuoaris don't want missionaries. They are perfectly happy worshiping the devil and eating any juicy white man who comes along." "Neighboring tribes say that the preacher and his family were in the stewpot before he ever got his Bible out of his duffel bag," Detective Ike C. Doka reported. "The Tuoaris ate like kings and danced all night long."
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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Neke price koje kruze forumom ne moraju biti istinite. Mogu biti samo tracevi zlih jezika.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

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Have inspiration and be creative.

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evo jedna prica iz NS-a nazovi Urbana Legenda:

Na medicinskom fakultetu, pre par godina odrzavale su se vezbe na kojima se kroz mikroskop posmatralo "nesto", ja sada ne znam sta jer ne studiram medicniu, ali u pitanju je bilo nesto tipa uzorak pljuvacke.
I sada jedna studentkinja nije znala da namesti mikroskop i kolega pored nje se ponudi da joj pomogne.
Ovaj namestio njoj da vidi i odjednom krene da se smeje kao budala. I sada koliko je umirao od smeha to je svima privuklo paznju i pridje asistent i pita ga "Kolega u cemu je problem?"
I sada ovaj momak kaze asistentu da pogleda kroz mikroskop i da ce mu biti sve jasno.
I naravno kada je ovaj pogledao, pocne da se i on smeje kao lud.
Na kraju se ispostavilo da su u pljuvacki te devojke vidjeni spermatozoidi  Smile
Koliko sam cuo, devojka se ispisala sa medicin. fakulteta i prebacila u bg da studira.

I naravno prica o ludom profi na medicinskom fakultetu u becu, ako se ne varam. kada je na patologiji rekao da svi studenti moraju da urade ono sto ce on da uradi. Stavio je jedan prst u an**ni otvor tela koje je bilo na stolu. I posle toga je stavio prst u usta. Naravno, bilo je studenata koji su povracali, koji su odustali, ali najvise njih je stavilo prst i uradilo ono sto je on trazio.
Na kraju kada je poslednji zavrsio rekao im je u cemu je stvar. Svi studenti su stavili u usta taj prst koji su stavili u to telo na stolu, a onda im je profesor rekao da je na medicini jako bitno i zapazanje, tj. da niko kije video da je on desni kaziprst metnuo u telo, a da je levi stavio u usta  Smile

« Poslednja izmena: 07. Sep 2007, 18:08:14 od nilobac »
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mogu rec da me ovo veoma zanima,ali brate preopsirno,mrskac mi citat... Smile
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Dodeljena nagrada za najbizarniju smrt u 2007.
Autor: Blic online | 11.01.2008 - 21:31

Nagrade “Darvin”, koje se svake godine dodeljuju za najbizarniji odlazak u smrt, dodeljene su i za 2007. godinu. Pobednik je 58-godišnji Teksašanin koji zbog problema s bolovima u grlu više nije mogao da pije alkohol, pa je odlučio da “na klistir” popije tri litre šerija. Ideja mu se učinila savršenom, a završila se tragično jer je ubrzo umro, prenosi

Amerikanci su dominirali u konkurenciji. Drugo mesto je zauzelo dvoje 21-godišnjaka iz Južne Karoline, koji su pronađeni goli i mrtvi na putu. Policija je bila zbunjena, a onda je pronađena uredno složena odeća na vrhu krova koji su izabrali za ljubavni okršaj. Jedini je problem bilo to što je krov u obliku piramide pa su se s njega otkotrljali – u smrt.

U konkurenciju je ušao i Nemac koji se ubio strujom dok je pokušavao da se reši krtica u svojoj bašti. Zamislio je da ih dokrajči metalnim šipkama zabijenim u zemlju, koje je spojio na struju, ali je umesto krtica strujni krug ubio njega.

Ozbiljno je konkurisao i Amerikanac iz Ilinoisa, koji je pobedio u idiotskoj igri ruleta smrti gde pobeđuje onaj koji najduže ostane na pruzi pred jurećim vozom.

Izvor: Blic
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